After her successful reelection in May 2014, president Dalia Grybauskaite was sworn in for her second term in office this Sunday, 12 July. As I have previously remarked in other posts, the Lithuanian president belongs to the most powerful presidents in Central and Eastern Europe. This powerful position stems not only from the popular mandate and the constitutionally defined leading role in foreign policy, but also finds expression in an interesting stipulation about the government’s mandate after presidential elections which has now allowed Grybauskaite to force changes in a number of government ministries
Lithuania’s President, Dalia Grybauskaitė, has announced that the country will reintroduce conscript...
While regulating the procedure of re-empowerment of the Government in case of replacement of more th...
Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvos savivaldybių vidaus institucijų raida per pastaruosius trejus metus, ...
Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, kokią vietą Lietuvos užsienio politikos formavimo mechanizme užima p...
After the parliamentary elections in October 2012, a four-party center-left coalition consisting of ...
This article raises the question of what role does the presidential institution hold in the Lithuani...
Dalia Grybauskaitė was elected the president of Lithuania in 2009. Since then there has been used a ...
On Thursday last week, Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė vetoed amendments to the ‘Law on Fish...
Online ISSN: 1478-2790In 2009, Lithuania’s incoming president was signaling that the country’s forei...
Formally Lithuania is a republic. The national government is composed of three branches-executive, l...
Lithuania is due to hold presidential elections, with the first round of voting scheduled for 11 May...
Susiklosčius ekonominio sunkmečio situacijai, Lietuvos valdžios institucijoms ir įstaigoms tenka ieš...
2002–2003 m. prezidento rinkimai Lietuvoje atskleidė viešųjų ryšių galią visuomenėje, kuri vis dar t...
Straipsnyje analizuojami administraciniai pertvarkymai carinės Rusijos valdomoje Lietuvos teritorijo...
20 January 2016 - President of the Republic of Lithuania D. Grybauskaitė visiting CMS detector assem...
Lithuania’s President, Dalia Grybauskaitė, has announced that the country will reintroduce conscript...
While regulating the procedure of re-empowerment of the Government in case of replacement of more th...
Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvos savivaldybių vidaus institucijų raida per pastaruosius trejus metus, ...
Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, kokią vietą Lietuvos užsienio politikos formavimo mechanizme užima p...
After the parliamentary elections in October 2012, a four-party center-left coalition consisting of ...
This article raises the question of what role does the presidential institution hold in the Lithuani...
Dalia Grybauskaitė was elected the president of Lithuania in 2009. Since then there has been used a ...
On Thursday last week, Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė vetoed amendments to the ‘Law on Fish...
Online ISSN: 1478-2790In 2009, Lithuania’s incoming president was signaling that the country’s forei...
Formally Lithuania is a republic. The national government is composed of three branches-executive, l...
Lithuania is due to hold presidential elections, with the first round of voting scheduled for 11 May...
Susiklosčius ekonominio sunkmečio situacijai, Lietuvos valdžios institucijoms ir įstaigoms tenka ieš...
2002–2003 m. prezidento rinkimai Lietuvoje atskleidė viešųjų ryšių galią visuomenėje, kuri vis dar t...
Straipsnyje analizuojami administraciniai pertvarkymai carinės Rusijos valdomoje Lietuvos teritorijo...
20 January 2016 - President of the Republic of Lithuania D. Grybauskaitė visiting CMS detector assem...
Lithuania’s President, Dalia Grybauskaitė, has announced that the country will reintroduce conscript...
While regulating the procedure of re-empowerment of the Government in case of replacement of more th...
Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvos savivaldybių vidaus institucijų raida per pastaruosius trejus metus, ...