A circuit-based mechanism underlying familiarity signaling and the preference for novelty

  • Molas-Casacuberta, Susanna
  • Zhao-Shea, Rubing
  • Liu, Liwang
  • Degroot, Steven
  • Gardner, Paul D.
  • Tapper, Andrew R.
Publication date
July 2017


Novelty preference (NP) is an evolutionarily conserved, essential survival mechanism often dysregulated in neuropsychiatric disorders. NP is mediated by a motivational dopamine signal that increases in response to novel stimuli, thereby driving exploration. However, the mechanism by which once-novel stimuli transition to familiar stimuli is unknown. Here we describe a neuroanatomical substrate for familiarity signaling, the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the midbrain, which is activated as novel stimuli become familiar with multiple exposures. In mice, optogenetic silencing of IPN neurons increases salience of and interaction with familiar stimuli without affecting novelty responses, whereas photoactivation of the same neurons reduces exp...

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