Disc edge veins of Kraupa associated with optic disc drusen

  • Díaz, A
  • Almela, MA
Publication date
November 2014
German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; Düsseldorf
Citation count (estimate)


Objective: Disc edge veins of Kraupa are a rare anomaly of the retinal venous system in which the main trunk of the retinal vein disappeared into the margin of the optic disc instead of its centre.Methods: A 40-year-old woman was detected to have an anomaly in her left optic disc in a routine eye examination. The eyes had an anomaly of the retinal venous system in which all branches of the retinal vein joined in a common trunk that entered the disc margin inferonasally. The central retinal artery issued from the centre of the disc separately of the venous system. B-scan ultrasonografhy revealed the presence of hyperechoic imaging at the optic nerve head in both eyes.Results: We describe the association of disc edge veins of Kraupa with o...

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