An Integrated Concept of Amebicidal Action: Electron Transfer and Oxy Radicals

  • Ames, James R.
  • Hollstein, Ulrich
  • Gagneux, Anré R.
  • Ryan, Michael D.
  • Kovacic, Peter
Publication date
January 1987
Citation count (estimate)


Cyclic voltammetry data were obtained for most of the main categories of antiamebic agents, specifically, quinones, heterocyclic nitro compounds, metal derivatives and chelators, and iminium-type ions. The reductions (our data and literature values) were for the most part reversible, with potentials usually in the favorable range of +0.10 to −0.56 V. The drug effect is believed to result generally from the catalytic production of oxidative stress usually arising from the formation of superoxide via electron transfer. In addition, relevant literature data are provided

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