Hyde Park-Kenwood National Bank of Chicago; Capital and Surplus $1,000,000.00; Fifty-Third St. and Lake Park Ave., Chicago; Officers: John A. Carroll, chairman of the board; A.K. Brown, vice chairman; Eugene F. Ford, president; Matthew A. Harmon, vice president; Edwin S. Ford, vice president; Eugene Abegg, vice president; Frank L. Johnson, cashier; John J. O\u27Connell, secretary; Irene M. Reynolds, asst. cashier; Harry H. Potter, asst. cashier; Frederick A. Helmholz, asst. cashier; Ernest F. Smelter, asst. cashier; Charles H. Willis, asst. cashier; Directors: A.K. Brown, Leonard J. Burke, Thomas A. Collins, Eugene E. Ford, Edwin S. Ford, Charles E. Fox, Frederic J. Greenebaum, John A. Carroll, Matthew A. Harmon, Frank W. Howes, Robert R. L...