Athol Machine and Foundry Co., manufacturers of Athol vises, grindstone frames and hardware specialties, iron founders, main office and factory, Athol, Mass., U.S.A.; W.G. Nims, president; F.A. Ball, vice president; A.H. Starrett, secy.-treas.; Strong where strength is needed; 724 and Althol M and F Co., Athol, Mass. USA; cable address, CHOPPERS, ATHOL, Atlantic cable, Western Union; New York, 90 and 92 West Broadway; Chicago, 17 No. Jefferson St; Distinctive letterheadings are an asset to your company. A photogravure illustration of your building, trade mark, or product, with lettering design and engraved with artistic discrimination will make a distinctive letterheading. Woodbury and Co., Inc., Worcester, Mass., Illustrated letterheads by...