The event was designed to foster collegiality among faculty members and offer a venue to share their...
In the basement of the performing arts barn, music blasted. Sneakers tapped against the wooden floor...
Creative writing majors at Roger Williams don’t just become better writers, they learn the ins and o...
Arts on Campus program provides professional venues for RWU community to exhibit and see creative wo...
SASH provides a forum for students to present their scholarly and creative work before an audience o...
Six students, working alongside Professor Stephan Brigidi, create a photo documentary exhibit celebr...
Students presented their research and academic projects to faculty, staff, and their peers at the an...
Undergraduate and graduate students share their academic and creative activities with the campus com...
Community Engagement Celebration provides a glimpse into student and faculty work across Rhode Islan...
Student efforts within local communities and around the globe showcased in the Community Engagement ...
SASH provides a forum for students to present their scholarly and creative work before an audience o...
Visual Arts Program prepared Emily Adler ’17 to stage her own solo exhibition, sell her first artwor...
On Wednesday, April 24, students, faculty, staff, and community members, gathered to recognize more ...
Students partnered with The Providence Center to develop graphics and a fully functioning website fo...
RWU professors are finding new opportunities for experiential, student-centered approaches to teachi...
The event was designed to foster collegiality among faculty members and offer a venue to share their...
In the basement of the performing arts barn, music blasted. Sneakers tapped against the wooden floor...
Creative writing majors at Roger Williams don’t just become better writers, they learn the ins and o...
Arts on Campus program provides professional venues for RWU community to exhibit and see creative wo...
SASH provides a forum for students to present their scholarly and creative work before an audience o...
Six students, working alongside Professor Stephan Brigidi, create a photo documentary exhibit celebr...
Students presented their research and academic projects to faculty, staff, and their peers at the an...
Undergraduate and graduate students share their academic and creative activities with the campus com...
Community Engagement Celebration provides a glimpse into student and faculty work across Rhode Islan...
Student efforts within local communities and around the globe showcased in the Community Engagement ...
SASH provides a forum for students to present their scholarly and creative work before an audience o...
Visual Arts Program prepared Emily Adler ’17 to stage her own solo exhibition, sell her first artwor...
On Wednesday, April 24, students, faculty, staff, and community members, gathered to recognize more ...
Students partnered with The Providence Center to develop graphics and a fully functioning website fo...
RWU professors are finding new opportunities for experiential, student-centered approaches to teachi...
The event was designed to foster collegiality among faculty members and offer a venue to share their...
In the basement of the performing arts barn, music blasted. Sneakers tapped against the wooden floor...
Creative writing majors at Roger Williams don’t just become better writers, they learn the ins and o...