Ahmed , the logo of the Elephant Interest Group, was a male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) that was born about 1919, possibly in the vicinity of Marsabit National Reserve, Kenya, East Africa. The name Ahmed is of Arabic origin (pronounced Ah-med ), and it means praised. At the age of 55 Ahmed was about 3 m (10 ft) tall at the shoulder and weighed approximately 5 metric tons (about 11,000 lbs.). He had huge tusks for his size, measuring about 3 m (10 ft) each and averaging about 70 kg (150 lbs) each. Ahmed\u27s 300 pounds of ivory attracted hunters and, as a result, raised major concern for his safety among scientists and the general public. A total of 5,000 letters and cards was delivered to the East African Wildlife Society and...