The Spanish television series Ministerio del Tiempo is a historical fiction program in which employees of the Spanish government travel in time to various eras and locations within the history of Spain, allowing viewers to experience key events of the past through the lens of this popular series, which aired in Spain from 2015-2017. Of particular note is the double episode dedicated to the Siege of Baler during the revolution in the Philippines, which also is the subject of the Spanish film, Los Ultimos de Filipinas. My presentation will examine how this historical event is dealt with both in the television program and in its cinematic version
Radio Televisión Española make a bet with El Ministerio del Tiempo, because of the conjunction of th...
Most film and television critics agree that fiction series are currently living a golden age, referr...
Spain's Golden Age is recognized as the most fertile and glorious era in Spanish arts and letters. M...
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) has brought freshness to the Spanish television fiction introd...
The Ministry of Time (TVE) marked, as a series, a very risky bet. Its theme the possibility of modif...
Most film and television critics agree that fiction series are currently living a golden age, referr...
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) has brought freshness to the Spanish television fiction introd...
Documentary sources have become in recent years an extremely useful tool in the historical televisiv...
Philip II ruled over Spain at its peak of world influence?and at the start of its long slide from pr...
The dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. Spain's Second Republic. The Spanish Civil War. This pro...
International audienceIntroduced late in Spain, Television became quickly a means of propaganda for ...
This investigation aims to analyze historical documentaries about Spanish Civil War. The research sh...
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) se ha convertido en una de las referencias nacionales en el us...
A La Fontana de Oro, de Benito Pérez Galdós, se dedica el programa piloto de Los libros, espac...
From an imagological perspective, this paper focuses on the first two seasons of El Ministerio del T...
Radio Televisión Española make a bet with El Ministerio del Tiempo, because of the conjunction of th...
Most film and television critics agree that fiction series are currently living a golden age, referr...
Spain's Golden Age is recognized as the most fertile and glorious era in Spanish arts and letters. M...
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) has brought freshness to the Spanish television fiction introd...
The Ministry of Time (TVE) marked, as a series, a very risky bet. Its theme the possibility of modif...
Most film and television critics agree that fiction series are currently living a golden age, referr...
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) has brought freshness to the Spanish television fiction introd...
Documentary sources have become in recent years an extremely useful tool in the historical televisiv...
Philip II ruled over Spain at its peak of world influence?and at the start of its long slide from pr...
The dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. Spain's Second Republic. The Spanish Civil War. This pro...
International audienceIntroduced late in Spain, Television became quickly a means of propaganda for ...
This investigation aims to analyze historical documentaries about Spanish Civil War. The research sh...
El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) se ha convertido en una de las referencias nacionales en el us...
A La Fontana de Oro, de Benito Pérez Galdós, se dedica el programa piloto de Los libros, espac...
From an imagological perspective, this paper focuses on the first two seasons of El Ministerio del T...
Radio Televisión Española make a bet with El Ministerio del Tiempo, because of the conjunction of th...
Most film and television critics agree that fiction series are currently living a golden age, referr...
Spain's Golden Age is recognized as the most fertile and glorious era in Spanish arts and letters. M...