Schinus patagonicus (Phil.) Johnst. es un arbusto perteneciente a la familia Anacardiáceas, de follaje persistente, muy común en las áreas de transición entre el bosque y la estepa patagónica. Se obtuvieron muestras de dos sitios en la zona del ecotono: a) al pie del cerro La Hoya (870 m.s.n.m., 42° 50’ 51’’ Lat. S y 71° 15’ 36’’ Long. O); y b) en los alrededores del edificio de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, (UNPSJB) sede Esquel (Alt. 568 m.s.n.m.; 42° 55’ 52’’ Lat. S y 71° 21’ 50’’ Long. O). Los aceites esenciales se extrajeron por hidrodestilación a partir de las hojas y los tallos, por separado. La determinación de la composición cualitativa y cuantitativa de cada una de las muestras se determinó por GC-FID-MS. ...
Essential oil content and composition of Tagetes filifoiía (Compositae) were analysed from six wild ...
Variations in the chemical composition of the essential oils of Minthostachys mollis Griseb. (Lamiac...
Con el objetivo de encontrar aceites esenciales que puedan ser usados como atrayentes orepelentes de...
The essential oil of Schinus polygamus (Cav.) Cabrera f: chubutensis (syn. S. marchandii Barkley) wa...
This is the first comprehensive study of essential oils of wild aromatic Lamiaceae present in Patago...
Essential oils of the medicinal plants Satureja parvifolia, Satureja boliviana, Hyptis mutabilis, Le...
The composition of the essential oils from leaves (Sal) and fruits of S. areira (Saf), and fruits of...
The composition of the essential oils from leaves (Sal) and fruits of S. areira (Saf), and fruits of...
Chemical biodiversity of essential oils of natural populations of Aloysia citrodora Palau (“lemon ve...
Introduction: Mentha spicata, commonly known as spearmint, is the most common and popular cultivated...
Adesmia boronioides Hook. f. es una especie aromática y medicinal de interés actual debido a las num...
Nineteen samples from the aerial parts in bloom of Acantholippia seriphioides (Verbenaceae) were col...
Schinus patagonicus (Phil.) Johnst. es un arbusto perteneciente a la familia Anacardiáceas, de folla...
The yields and chemical compositions of the resinous and essential oil fractions vary in different h...
The essential oil of jigua (Pleurothyrium cinereum, Lauraceae) leaves was extracted by steam distill...
Essential oil content and composition of Tagetes filifoiía (Compositae) were analysed from six wild ...
Variations in the chemical composition of the essential oils of Minthostachys mollis Griseb. (Lamiac...
Con el objetivo de encontrar aceites esenciales que puedan ser usados como atrayentes orepelentes de...
The essential oil of Schinus polygamus (Cav.) Cabrera f: chubutensis (syn. S. marchandii Barkley) wa...
This is the first comprehensive study of essential oils of wild aromatic Lamiaceae present in Patago...
Essential oils of the medicinal plants Satureja parvifolia, Satureja boliviana, Hyptis mutabilis, Le...
The composition of the essential oils from leaves (Sal) and fruits of S. areira (Saf), and fruits of...
The composition of the essential oils from leaves (Sal) and fruits of S. areira (Saf), and fruits of...
Chemical biodiversity of essential oils of natural populations of Aloysia citrodora Palau (“lemon ve...
Introduction: Mentha spicata, commonly known as spearmint, is the most common and popular cultivated...
Adesmia boronioides Hook. f. es una especie aromática y medicinal de interés actual debido a las num...
Nineteen samples from the aerial parts in bloom of Acantholippia seriphioides (Verbenaceae) were col...
Schinus patagonicus (Phil.) Johnst. es un arbusto perteneciente a la familia Anacardiáceas, de folla...
The yields and chemical compositions of the resinous and essential oil fractions vary in different h...
The essential oil of jigua (Pleurothyrium cinereum, Lauraceae) leaves was extracted by steam distill...
Essential oil content and composition of Tagetes filifoiía (Compositae) were analysed from six wild ...
Variations in the chemical composition of the essential oils of Minthostachys mollis Griseb. (Lamiac...
Con el objetivo de encontrar aceites esenciales que puedan ser usados como atrayentes orepelentes de...