Tietyillä sinisen valon aallonpituuksilla on todettu olevan voimakkaita antimikrobisia vaikutuksia. Toisin kuin ultraviolettisäteilyn, näkyvän sinisen valon desinfioiva vaikutus ei perustu nukleiinihappojen tuhoutumiseen vaan valokemiallisiin reaktioihin mikrobeissa esiintyvien valoherkisteiden kanssa. Näissä reaktioissa syntyy happiradikaaleja, joiden aikaan saama oksidatiivinen stressi aiheuttaa endogeenisten yhdisteiden osittaisen mineralisaation johtaen kyseisen solun tuhoutumiseen sisältä päin. Sininen valo on monikäyttöinen ja turvallinen tapa tuhota aktiiveja mikrobeja ja lupaava vaihtoehtoinen desinfiointimetodi aikana, jolloin liiallisesta antibioottien käytöstä halutaan lääketieteellisen yhteisön piirissä kiivaasti päästä eroon. ...
É crescente a preocupação a respeito do futuro de terapias antimicrobianas em meio a crise global do...
Titanium and titanium based alloys are widely used in dentistry and orthopedics to replace hard tiss...
Antimicrobial violet-blue light is an emerging technology designed for enhanced clinical decontamina...
Antimicrobial substances are natural or synthetic chemicals which kill or prevent the proliferation ...
Pesquisas de métodos de desinfecção alternativos à cloração vem sendo desenvolvidas e dentre elas de...
Titanium dioxide in its crystalline form functions as photocatalyst. Surfaces of solids treated by t...
Opinnäytetyö tehtiin Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston kemian ja biotekniikan laboratoriossa loppuvuo...
Antimicrobial surfaces have extensive applications as self-cleaning surfaces, for air and water puri...
Em diferentes áreas, há necessidade de garantir ambientes higienicamente seguros que permitam a pro...
Commercially available polypropylene foil was pretreated with a low temperature oxygen plasma and c...
Despite extensive preventative efforts, the problem of controlling infections associated with biomed...
The beneficial photocatalytic properties of UV light activated TiO2 powder are well-known and have b...
Güneş enerjisi, su ve atık su arıtımı alanında uygulama alanı bulan bir enerji türüdür. Doğal (güneş...
The nanomaterials in this thesis are developed to counteract harmful organic pollutants and bacteria...
In Anbetracht der stetig ansteigenden Zahl an antibiotikaresistenten Bakterienstämmen, welche weltwe...
É crescente a preocupação a respeito do futuro de terapias antimicrobianas em meio a crise global do...
Titanium and titanium based alloys are widely used in dentistry and orthopedics to replace hard tiss...
Antimicrobial violet-blue light is an emerging technology designed for enhanced clinical decontamina...
Antimicrobial substances are natural or synthetic chemicals which kill or prevent the proliferation ...
Pesquisas de métodos de desinfecção alternativos à cloração vem sendo desenvolvidas e dentre elas de...
Titanium dioxide in its crystalline form functions as photocatalyst. Surfaces of solids treated by t...
Opinnäytetyö tehtiin Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston kemian ja biotekniikan laboratoriossa loppuvuo...
Antimicrobial surfaces have extensive applications as self-cleaning surfaces, for air and water puri...
Em diferentes áreas, há necessidade de garantir ambientes higienicamente seguros que permitam a pro...
Commercially available polypropylene foil was pretreated with a low temperature oxygen plasma and c...
Despite extensive preventative efforts, the problem of controlling infections associated with biomed...
The beneficial photocatalytic properties of UV light activated TiO2 powder are well-known and have b...
Güneş enerjisi, su ve atık su arıtımı alanında uygulama alanı bulan bir enerji türüdür. Doğal (güneş...
The nanomaterials in this thesis are developed to counteract harmful organic pollutants and bacteria...
In Anbetracht der stetig ansteigenden Zahl an antibiotikaresistenten Bakterienstämmen, welche weltwe...
É crescente a preocupação a respeito do futuro de terapias antimicrobianas em meio a crise global do...
Titanium and titanium based alloys are widely used in dentistry and orthopedics to replace hard tiss...
Antimicrobial violet-blue light is an emerging technology designed for enhanced clinical decontamina...