Sagitalni otoliti nedoraslih stadija osam vrsta riba: Boops boops, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus puntazzo, Sarpa salpa (porodica Sparidae), Liza ramada, Liza aurata (porodica Mugilidae), Atherina boyeri, Atherina hepsetus (porodica Atherinidae) su analizirani i međusobno uspoređeni opisnim morfološkim značajkama te morfometrijskim mjerama. Uočljive razlike među otolitima istraživanih vrsta odnose se na njihov oblik, rub (npr. nepravilan, valovit, pilast) i prednji dio. Oblik otolita je elipsast do pentagonalan kod sparidnih vrsta, elipsast do pravokutan kod cipla te elipsast kod dvije vrste gavuna. Omjeri širine i dužine otolita (OW/OL), zatim dužine caude i sulcusa (CL/SL) te dužine ostiuma i sulcusa (OSL/SL) su određeni za svaku vrstu. Obri...
Special issue Fish Otoliths as Indicators in Ecosystem Based Management.-- 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 ta...
The objective of this study was to describe the morphology and morphometry of saggitta otoliths of P...
The current research paper aims at identifying and clarifying the main morphological differences in ...
Sagitalni otoliti nedoraslih stadija osam vrsta riba: Boops boops, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus punta...
Sagittae otoliths of eight juvenile species: Boops boops, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus puntazzo, Sarp...
The otolith (sagitta) measurements of five pelagic fish species - Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, ...
The otolith morphology, biometry and otolith size and fish length relationship of three demersal fis...
Tijekom ovog istraživanja, u priobalnom dijelu istočnog Jadrana, ulovljeno je ukupno 58 jedinki nedo...
U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja otolita 123 jedinki vrste Diplodus annularis (Li...
The sagitta otoliths of teleostean fishes are usually used in diverse studies. Their shapes are spec...
Otolith biomineralization results from biochemical processes regulated by the interaction of interna...
Otoliths, which can be used for the evaluation of relationships between the environment and organism...
The sagittal otolith of 348 species, belonging to 99 families and 22 orders of marine Teleostean fis...
Sagittal otolith morphometric measurements from Malaysian Mugilidae species were selected to investi...
Otolith shape analyses were conducted on three different species of Mullidae (Mullus barbatus barbat...
Special issue Fish Otoliths as Indicators in Ecosystem Based Management.-- 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 ta...
The objective of this study was to describe the morphology and morphometry of saggitta otoliths of P...
The current research paper aims at identifying and clarifying the main morphological differences in ...
Sagitalni otoliti nedoraslih stadija osam vrsta riba: Boops boops, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus punta...
Sagittae otoliths of eight juvenile species: Boops boops, Diplodus vulgaris, Diplodus puntazzo, Sarp...
The otolith (sagitta) measurements of five pelagic fish species - Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, ...
The otolith morphology, biometry and otolith size and fish length relationship of three demersal fis...
Tijekom ovog istraživanja, u priobalnom dijelu istočnog Jadrana, ulovljeno je ukupno 58 jedinki nedo...
U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja otolita 123 jedinki vrste Diplodus annularis (Li...
The sagitta otoliths of teleostean fishes are usually used in diverse studies. Their shapes are spec...
Otolith biomineralization results from biochemical processes regulated by the interaction of interna...
Otoliths, which can be used for the evaluation of relationships between the environment and organism...
The sagittal otolith of 348 species, belonging to 99 families and 22 orders of marine Teleostean fis...
Sagittal otolith morphometric measurements from Malaysian Mugilidae species were selected to investi...
Otolith shape analyses were conducted on three different species of Mullidae (Mullus barbatus barbat...
Special issue Fish Otoliths as Indicators in Ecosystem Based Management.-- 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 ta...
The objective of this study was to describe the morphology and morphometry of saggitta otoliths of P...
The current research paper aims at identifying and clarifying the main morphological differences in ...