Ovaj se rad bavi umjetničkim konceptom monumentalizacije, u ovom slučaju one u arhitekturi i urbanističkom planiranju te istražuje i prati ulogu ovog koncepta u odnosu na izgradnju reprezentativne političke moći. Odabrani kontekst je Albanija, točnije Tirana, tijekom posljednjih 100 godina, u kojoj tri glavna politička modela – fašizam, državni socijalizam i suvremene neoliberalne prakse – svaki sa svojim analogijama i razvojem u pogledu odnosa prema umjetnosti, proizvode subjektivnosti i generiraju značenja u javnom prostoru. Sažetak (albanski): Kjo ese ka në fokus konceptin artistik të monumentalizimit, në këtë rast në arkitekturë dhe planifikim urban dhe nëpërmjet disa shembujve historik, hulumton dhe ravijëzon rolin e këtij koncepti në...
The motivation for this article is generated from observing a recent tendency in the architectural e...
The socialist Style in the Eastern European countries was considered a great style. It was called th...
AIM: Tirana is a city that in transition period has been changed and transformed both architecturall...
Cette étude analyse le patrimoine architectural moderne du Boulevardi Dësmorët e Kombit, axe princip...
The Albanian architecture during the XXth century reflects worthily the aspirations of the country’s...
In the second half of the 19th century, Albania was still referred to as the “unknown country of the...
Only a few Yugoslav architects attended Post-War CIAMs, whose reception in Yugoslavia was rather luk...
This dissertation focuses on monumentality and the ways it has developed in the sociopolitical condi...
Only a few Yugoslav architects attended Post-war CIAMs, whose reception in Yugoslavia was rather luk...
This article examines the Tirana Independence Monument, first inaugurated in November of 2012 on the...
This thesis concentrates on urban regeneration as a strategy of urban transformation in general and ...
This article recounts the history of urban design in the centre of Tirana, the capital of Albania, d...
This paper examines Tirana’s urbanization process from a socio-morphological perspective. It present...
Processes such as design, construction, industrialization, de-industrialization, internal migration,...
This Graduation Project focuses on the urban regeneration of Tirana’s city centre. The chaotic trans...
The motivation for this article is generated from observing a recent tendency in the architectural e...
The socialist Style in the Eastern European countries was considered a great style. It was called th...
AIM: Tirana is a city that in transition period has been changed and transformed both architecturall...
Cette étude analyse le patrimoine architectural moderne du Boulevardi Dësmorët e Kombit, axe princip...
The Albanian architecture during the XXth century reflects worthily the aspirations of the country’s...
In the second half of the 19th century, Albania was still referred to as the “unknown country of the...
Only a few Yugoslav architects attended Post-War CIAMs, whose reception in Yugoslavia was rather luk...
This dissertation focuses on monumentality and the ways it has developed in the sociopolitical condi...
Only a few Yugoslav architects attended Post-war CIAMs, whose reception in Yugoslavia was rather luk...
This article examines the Tirana Independence Monument, first inaugurated in November of 2012 on the...
This thesis concentrates on urban regeneration as a strategy of urban transformation in general and ...
This article recounts the history of urban design in the centre of Tirana, the capital of Albania, d...
This paper examines Tirana’s urbanization process from a socio-morphological perspective. It present...
Processes such as design, construction, industrialization, de-industrialization, internal migration,...
This Graduation Project focuses on the urban regeneration of Tirana’s city centre. The chaotic trans...
The motivation for this article is generated from observing a recent tendency in the architectural e...
The socialist Style in the Eastern European countries was considered a great style. It was called th...
AIM: Tirana is a city that in transition period has been changed and transformed both architecturall...