City of Eugene goal 5 water resources conservation plan

  • Eugene (Or.)
Open PDF
Publication date
November 2005
City of Eugene (Or.)


37 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Incudes maps. Adopted November 14, 2005. Captured January 18, 2008.Oregon’s statewide planning goals provide the framework for land use planning within the state. Statewide Planning Goal 5 requires all Oregon cities and counties “to conserve open space and protect natural and scenic resources.” The Goal itself, plus Oregon Administrative Rules establish specific procedures and criteria for Goal 5 compliance. The City of Eugene was required by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), through the Metropolitan periodic review work program, to address Goal 5 requirements for wetlands, riparian corridors, and wildlife habitat sites. This Plan contains several components of the Cit...

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