There are two primary ways to think about how to multiply decimals. Both of these ways are demonstrated step by step above. The first method is called estimation. Begin by writing out your original problem. Once you have done this, remove the decimal from the original numbers and multiply them. Then, round any decimal numbers and multiply again. The final step is to place a decimal back into the answer from the second step in the position which makes the result closest to the estimate from the third step. The second method is called place values. Rewrite each decimal number as a whole number divided by a power of ten. Then multiply the tops and bottoms to get a fraction. The denominator is a power of ten. Finally, move the decimal place ove...
Decimal is a special type of number that some students have a great difficulty in grasping the conce...
Ensino Médio::MatemáticaTodo número decimal pode ser representado como uma fração. Escolha um número...
This classroom action research aimed at helping students increase their understanding toward multipl...
There are two primary ways to think about how to multiply decimals. Both of these ways are demonstra...
This Demonstration shows how to do step-by-step decimal division. 1. Write the original problem. 2. ...
In this paper, we will report on how we use calculators to help college students and prospective tea...
PEMDAS- This acronym stands for the order of operation in which math calculations must be solved (Pa...
Sexta unidad de la serie matemáticas, en la que se conceptualiza, describe y se desarrollan ejercici...
Seventh and eighth grade students identified as holding an incomplete fraction conception of decimal...
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is...
Knowledge about Number Theory and Number BasesSome fractions are terminating decimals, like ; some a...
A good way to picture multiplying fractions is as follows: Imagine each fraction is a shaded portion...
Fraction and decimal arithmetic are crucial for later mathematics achievement and for ability to suc...
Knowledge about representations of numbersTo convert a fraction to an equivalent fraction, multiply ...
Decimal is a special type of number that some students have a great difficulty in grasping the conce...
Ensino Médio::MatemáticaTodo número decimal pode ser representado como uma fração. Escolha um número...
This classroom action research aimed at helping students increase their understanding toward multipl...
There are two primary ways to think about how to multiply decimals. Both of these ways are demonstra...
This Demonstration shows how to do step-by-step decimal division. 1. Write the original problem. 2. ...
In this paper, we will report on how we use calculators to help college students and prospective tea...
PEMDAS- This acronym stands for the order of operation in which math calculations must be solved (Pa...
Sexta unidad de la serie matemáticas, en la que se conceptualiza, describe y se desarrollan ejercici...
Seventh and eighth grade students identified as holding an incomplete fraction conception of decimal...
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is...
Knowledge about Number Theory and Number BasesSome fractions are terminating decimals, like ; some a...
A good way to picture multiplying fractions is as follows: Imagine each fraction is a shaded portion...
Fraction and decimal arithmetic are crucial for later mathematics achievement and for ability to suc...
Knowledge about representations of numbersTo convert a fraction to an equivalent fraction, multiply ...
Decimal is a special type of number that some students have a great difficulty in grasping the conce...
Ensino Médio::MatemáticaTodo número decimal pode ser representado como uma fração. Escolha um número...
This classroom action research aimed at helping students increase their understanding toward multipl...