Finding out whether a large number is even or odd is easy! Look up its last digit (the number in the ones' place) in the table, or look at the set of circles below it. If the circles line up, the number is even. If one circle hangs over, the number is odd. Click the even or odd button to choose your answer. A green signal appears for the right answer, a red signal for the wrong answer. Click the big number to get a new random number. Click the score to reset itComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séries Iniciais::Matemátic
defined categories such as TRIANGLE and ODD NUMBER. Scalene triangles are often rejected as testimon...
A function f(x) is even if f(x)=f(-x) and odd if f(x)=-f(-x).The graph of an even function is symme...
Educação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::MatemáticaA figurate number can be represented by a r...
Finding out whether a large number is even or odd is easy! Look up its last digit (the number in the...
The property of whether a number is even or odd is called its parity. The sets of numbers at the top...
An example of the kind of problem often posed as "Think of an integer and I will guess it." You need...
A perfect number is defined as a number n for which the sum of the divisors of n equals 2n. All perf...
Ensino Médio::MatemáticaEducação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::MatemáticaThis is an example ...
Knowledge about integers and representations of numbersThe sum of the first n odd positive integers ...
This Demonstration gives simple ways to quickly tell if an integer is divisible by the numbers 1-9Co...
Number sense requires, at least, an ability to assess magnitude information represented by number sy...
For a homework assignment in a statistics course, half the class was asked to record the actual resu...
Count the blue dots and click the button with that number. The green number adds the correct answers...
This is a preprint that presents a proof that odd perfect numbers and odd triperfect numbers do not ...
noneLook at squares to see how squaring numbers worksComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séri...
defined categories such as TRIANGLE and ODD NUMBER. Scalene triangles are often rejected as testimon...
A function f(x) is even if f(x)=f(-x) and odd if f(x)=-f(-x).The graph of an even function is symme...
Educação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::MatemáticaA figurate number can be represented by a r...
Finding out whether a large number is even or odd is easy! Look up its last digit (the number in the...
The property of whether a number is even or odd is called its parity. The sets of numbers at the top...
An example of the kind of problem often posed as "Think of an integer and I will guess it." You need...
A perfect number is defined as a number n for which the sum of the divisors of n equals 2n. All perf...
Ensino Médio::MatemáticaEducação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::MatemáticaThis is an example ...
Knowledge about integers and representations of numbersThe sum of the first n odd positive integers ...
This Demonstration gives simple ways to quickly tell if an integer is divisible by the numbers 1-9Co...
Number sense requires, at least, an ability to assess magnitude information represented by number sy...
For a homework assignment in a statistics course, half the class was asked to record the actual resu...
Count the blue dots and click the button with that number. The green number adds the correct answers...
This is a preprint that presents a proof that odd perfect numbers and odd triperfect numbers do not ...
noneLook at squares to see how squaring numbers worksComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séri...
defined categories such as TRIANGLE and ODD NUMBER. Scalene triangles are often rejected as testimon...
A function f(x) is even if f(x)=f(-x) and odd if f(x)=-f(-x).The graph of an even function is symme...
Educação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::MatemáticaA figurate number can be represented by a r...