Angesichts der erheblichen Zunahme an Schwangerschaften und, vor allem, Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen unter Minderjährigen stellt sich u. a. die Frage, wie es mit dem Wissen um Sexualität, Empfängnis und Verhütung in dieser Altersgruppe bestellt ist. Berichtet werden verschiedene Ergebnisse aus einem thematisch einschlägigen empirischen Forschungsprojekt, die insbesondere Wissensdefizite unter HauptschülerInnen und unter SchülerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund erkennen lassen, wobei zusätzlich geschlechtstypische Differenzierungen unübersehbar sind. Die vorgestellten Schlussfolgerungen zielen u. a. darauf ab, den Aufklärungsbedürfnissen von SchülerInnen durch die stärkere Betonung einer sozialwissenschaftlich und stärker subgruppenspezifisch aus...
Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.Aim. The aim of this research was to explore...
AIDS is a pandemic disease known for almost three decades, and the most effective prevention is gene...
Background: Promoting sexual and reproductive health of adolescents contributes to their personal an...
Sexual behavior and attitude to sexuality among students. Topics: 1. Medical-psychological data: bo...
The dissertation is focused on the issue of contraception and reproductive health of young people. I...
Aims: The study was aimed at exploring adolescents‟ level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the influence...
The purpose of this study is to bring objective knowledge for sexual education on the sexual knowing...
The research on which this thesis is based south the response of year 10 students to a school based ...
School Sex Education is nowadays an important public health issue as it concerns not only youth AIDS...
Summary My bachelor work ``The Knowing of Adolescents about HIV/AIDS{\crqq} wants to find out how ou...
M.Ed.A great deal of concern is being expressed about the high teenage pregnancy rate as well as the...
The assessment of sexual behaviors and the examination of the influences of sexuality education on s...
The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been conducting the ‘Youth Sexuality’ representat...
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovative project "Nécessai...
Abstract Background: In Kazakhstan, teenagers now begin their sexual life very early. With the earl...
Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.Aim. The aim of this research was to explore...
AIDS is a pandemic disease known for almost three decades, and the most effective prevention is gene...
Background: Promoting sexual and reproductive health of adolescents contributes to their personal an...
Sexual behavior and attitude to sexuality among students. Topics: 1. Medical-psychological data: bo...
The dissertation is focused on the issue of contraception and reproductive health of young people. I...
Aims: The study was aimed at exploring adolescents‟ level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the influence...
The purpose of this study is to bring objective knowledge for sexual education on the sexual knowing...
The research on which this thesis is based south the response of year 10 students to a school based ...
School Sex Education is nowadays an important public health issue as it concerns not only youth AIDS...
Summary My bachelor work ``The Knowing of Adolescents about HIV/AIDS{\crqq} wants to find out how ou...
M.Ed.A great deal of concern is being expressed about the high teenage pregnancy rate as well as the...
The assessment of sexual behaviors and the examination of the influences of sexuality education on s...
The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been conducting the ‘Youth Sexuality’ representat...
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the innovative project "Nécessai...
Abstract Background: In Kazakhstan, teenagers now begin their sexual life very early. With the earl...
Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.Aim. The aim of this research was to explore...
AIDS is a pandemic disease known for almost three decades, and the most effective prevention is gene...
Background: Promoting sexual and reproductive health of adolescents contributes to their personal an...