WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky, news. This issue contains articles: Jessie, Lisa. Some Experts Expect Loan Cuts to Be Small Hoppes, Lynn. NCAA Bans Boosters from Athletic Recruiting Eagleston, Leigh. Registration Game Played by Students White, Douglas. Noise Ordinance Not Enforced Bug Spray May Be Cure for False Alarms Gov. Martha Layne Collins Should Leave Presidency to the Educators Editorial Cartoon – Martha Layne Collins for University of Kentucky Presidency Humphreys, Mack. Smut Stays Despite Great Convenience Store Purge Pack, Todd. Jodie Richards Elected Caucus Chairman College Street Sidewalks Being Repaired Fullen, Rebecca. Elopement, Kazoo Festival Spice Up Students’ Holidays Eaglesto...