Multiple-choice exam? I will guess! Multiple-choice questions are objective and can easily and quickly be scored. But an item is often scored as solved simply because the test taker is a lucky guesser. This Demonstration shows the accumulated scores for some test takersComponente Curricular::Ensino Médio::Matemátic
In Multiple Choice tests several alternative answers are given for each question. The candidate must...
This paper offers a procedure for specifying probabilities for students to select answers on a multi...
ABSTRACT. The aim ofsthis study was to show that the superiority of corrected-for-guessing scores ov...
There is always a chance that examinees will answer multiple choice (MC) items correctly by guessing...
In higher education, multiple choice tests are becoming increasingly used. This poses a problem when...
Building on Item Response Theory we introduce students ’ optimal behavior in multiple-choice tests. ...
For achievement tests, the guess score is often used as a baseline for the lowest possible grade for...
Correct for guessing is a commonly used scoring method in multiple-choice questions. A penalty is us...
Building on Item Response Theory we introduce students’ optimal behavior in multiple-choice tests. O...
Introduced is a computer testing method which compensates for random guessing. The approach, applica...
For achievement tests, the guess score is often used as a baseline for the lowest possible grade for...
© 2014, © 2014 Taylor & Francis.The humble multiple-choice test is very widely used within education...
This paper outlines statistical arguments used in an attempt to determine if cheating occurred on a ...
Multiple choice and true/false tests commonly contain only a small proportion of all the questions t...
Real-time computation (or estimation) of the "probability to win" is difficult. We've seem that in s...
In Multiple Choice tests several alternative answers are given for each question. The candidate must...
This paper offers a procedure for specifying probabilities for students to select answers on a multi...
ABSTRACT. The aim ofsthis study was to show that the superiority of corrected-for-guessing scores ov...
There is always a chance that examinees will answer multiple choice (MC) items correctly by guessing...
In higher education, multiple choice tests are becoming increasingly used. This poses a problem when...
Building on Item Response Theory we introduce students ’ optimal behavior in multiple-choice tests. ...
For achievement tests, the guess score is often used as a baseline for the lowest possible grade for...
Correct for guessing is a commonly used scoring method in multiple-choice questions. A penalty is us...
Building on Item Response Theory we introduce students’ optimal behavior in multiple-choice tests. O...
Introduced is a computer testing method which compensates for random guessing. The approach, applica...
For achievement tests, the guess score is often used as a baseline for the lowest possible grade for...
© 2014, © 2014 Taylor & Francis.The humble multiple-choice test is very widely used within education...
This paper outlines statistical arguments used in an attempt to determine if cheating occurred on a ...
Multiple choice and true/false tests commonly contain only a small proportion of all the questions t...
Real-time computation (or estimation) of the "probability to win" is difficult. We've seem that in s...
In Multiple Choice tests several alternative answers are given for each question. The candidate must...
This paper offers a procedure for specifying probabilities for students to select answers on a multi...
ABSTRACT. The aim ofsthis study was to show that the superiority of corrected-for-guessing scores ov...