Monteiro L, Traunspurger W, Lynen F, Moens T. Effects of the water-soluble fraction of a crude oil on estuarine meiofauna: A microcosm approach. Marine environmental research. 2019;147:113-125.Although soluble hydrocarbons persist for only hours to days in aquatic environments, they potentially pose a high toxicity to aquatic biota. Here we investigate effects of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil on estuarine meiofauna, with special focus on nematodes. Copepods and amphipods were the most sensitive taxa, disappearing almost completely within 3 weeks after exposure. In nematodes, we observed mostly sublethal short-term effects of WSF, such as changes in feeding-type composition and age structure. In the longer term (months), tota...
We studied the acute effects of crude oil on the size-class population structure of the cladoceran D...
Vita.The effects of water soluble fractions (WSFs) from No. 2 Fuel Oil on growth and reproduction in...
textAnthropogenic oil spills continue to have devastating effects on the ecosystems in which they oc...
Although soluble hydrocarbons persist for only hours to days in aquatic environments, they potential...
Oil water-soluble fractions (WSFs) compounds have low persistence in water; evaporating in a matter ...
The water-soluble fraction (WSF) of an oil contains different classes of petroleum hydrocarbons and,...
International audienceDispersant application is used as a response technique to minimize the environ...
In this study the acute and sub-lethal effects caused by the Water Soluble Fraction (WSF) of a light...
Gelatinous zooplankton play an important role in marine food webs both as major consumers of metazoo...
Gelatinous zooplankton play an important role in marine food webs both as major consumers of metazoo...
We conducted ship-, shore- and laboratory-based crude oil exposure experiments to investigate (1) th...
We conducted ship-, shore- and laboratory-based crude oil exposure experiments to investigate (1) th...
During an oil spill, a marine oil snow sedimentation and flocculent accumulation (MOSSFA) event can ...
During an oil spill, a marine oil snow sedimentation and flocculent accumulation (MOSSFA) event can ...
Accidents involving fuels and oil spills are among the main sources of hydrocarbons to the marine ec...
We studied the acute effects of crude oil on the size-class population structure of the cladoceran D...
Vita.The effects of water soluble fractions (WSFs) from No. 2 Fuel Oil on growth and reproduction in...
textAnthropogenic oil spills continue to have devastating effects on the ecosystems in which they oc...
Although soluble hydrocarbons persist for only hours to days in aquatic environments, they potential...
Oil water-soluble fractions (WSFs) compounds have low persistence in water; evaporating in a matter ...
The water-soluble fraction (WSF) of an oil contains different classes of petroleum hydrocarbons and,...
International audienceDispersant application is used as a response technique to minimize the environ...
In this study the acute and sub-lethal effects caused by the Water Soluble Fraction (WSF) of a light...
Gelatinous zooplankton play an important role in marine food webs both as major consumers of metazoo...
Gelatinous zooplankton play an important role in marine food webs both as major consumers of metazoo...
We conducted ship-, shore- and laboratory-based crude oil exposure experiments to investigate (1) th...
We conducted ship-, shore- and laboratory-based crude oil exposure experiments to investigate (1) th...
During an oil spill, a marine oil snow sedimentation and flocculent accumulation (MOSSFA) event can ...
During an oil spill, a marine oil snow sedimentation and flocculent accumulation (MOSSFA) event can ...
Accidents involving fuels and oil spills are among the main sources of hydrocarbons to the marine ec...
We studied the acute effects of crude oil on the size-class population structure of the cladoceran D...
Vita.The effects of water soluble fractions (WSFs) from No. 2 Fuel Oil on growth and reproduction in...
textAnthropogenic oil spills continue to have devastating effects on the ecosystems in which they oc...