Günther H. Terminologija i ideologija: ital´janskij futurizm i russkij avangard. Russian Literature. 2010;67(3-4):357-364
The "Russian idea" is a purely Russian concept – both by its form and its content. It is a distincti...
The article deals with two issues: research on the history of Russia in a post-colonial perspec...
© BEIESP. The semantic field of political discourse is based on the opposition of «ours – theirs» wh...
Günther H. Terminologija i ideologija: ital´janskij futurizm i russkij avangard. In: Avangard i ide...
Günther H. Literatura v kontekste archetipov sovetskoj kul´tury. In: Kaznina OA, ed. V poiskach novo...
Günther H. Puti i tupiki izucenija iskusstva i literatury stalinskoj epochi. Novoe literaturnoe oboz...
Günther H. Kontrastbilder: Futurismus in Italien und Russland. In: Ebert C, ed. Kulturauffassungen i...
Günther H. Simultanizam: talijanskij futurizam i ruska avangarda. In: Flaker A, Vojvodić J, eds. Sim...
Sola Agnès. Le futurisme russe : pratique révolutionnaire et discours politique. In: Revue des étude...
Günther H. Mir s vysoty ptič´ego poleta. Ital´janskij i russkij futurizm v sravnite´lnom aspekte. In...
= "ideology avant-garde as the phantom phenomenon" in Avant-garde and ideology: Russian case
Sola Agnès. Pour un fonctionnement lobatchevskien du langage : le futurisme russe. In: Revue des étu...
Günther H. Sovetskaja literaturnaja kritika i formirovanie estetiki socrealizma: 1932-1940. In: Dobr...
Il volume raccoglie contributi sul futurismo transmentale e il dadaismo nella cultura letteraria rus...
Günther H. Befreite Worte und Sternensprache. Der italienische und der russische Futurismus. In: Gri...
The "Russian idea" is a purely Russian concept – both by its form and its content. It is a distincti...
The article deals with two issues: research on the history of Russia in a post-colonial perspec...
© BEIESP. The semantic field of political discourse is based on the opposition of «ours – theirs» wh...
Günther H. Terminologija i ideologija: ital´janskij futurizm i russkij avangard. In: Avangard i ide...
Günther H. Literatura v kontekste archetipov sovetskoj kul´tury. In: Kaznina OA, ed. V poiskach novo...
Günther H. Puti i tupiki izucenija iskusstva i literatury stalinskoj epochi. Novoe literaturnoe oboz...
Günther H. Kontrastbilder: Futurismus in Italien und Russland. In: Ebert C, ed. Kulturauffassungen i...
Günther H. Simultanizam: talijanskij futurizam i ruska avangarda. In: Flaker A, Vojvodić J, eds. Sim...
Sola Agnès. Le futurisme russe : pratique révolutionnaire et discours politique. In: Revue des étude...
Günther H. Mir s vysoty ptič´ego poleta. Ital´janskij i russkij futurizm v sravnite´lnom aspekte. In...
= "ideology avant-garde as the phantom phenomenon" in Avant-garde and ideology: Russian case
Sola Agnès. Pour un fonctionnement lobatchevskien du langage : le futurisme russe. In: Revue des étu...
Günther H. Sovetskaja literaturnaja kritika i formirovanie estetiki socrealizma: 1932-1940. In: Dobr...
Il volume raccoglie contributi sul futurismo transmentale e il dadaismo nella cultura letteraria rus...
Günther H. Befreite Worte und Sternensprache. Der italienische und der russische Futurismus. In: Gri...
The "Russian idea" is a purely Russian concept – both by its form and its content. It is a distincti...
The article deals with two issues: research on the history of Russia in a post-colonial perspec...
© BEIESP. The semantic field of political discourse is based on the opposition of «ours – theirs» wh...