This work focuses on the signs of Dandyism in the literary works of Oscar Wilde and his own life. The theoretical part serves as an introduction to the topic of Dandyism in relation to Aestheticism, Decadence and the Victorian society. The analytical part focuses on the core features of a Dandy in more detail, which are then shown on Wilde's characters that indicate them, while discussing whether such characters can be considered true Dandies. Wilde's own life is compared to these instances as well.Tato práce se zaměřuje na známky dandysmu v literárních pracích Oscara Wildea a jeho vlastním životě. Teoretická část slouží jako úvod do tématu dandysmu ve vztahu k esteticismu, dekadenci a viktoriánské společnosti. Analytická část se detailněji...
This dissertation, whose title is The features of dandyism in work of Jiří Karásek, focuses on the c...
Russian artists of the early twentieth century focused not merely on the production of their own art...
Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest analiza porównawcza bajek Oscara Wilde’a oraz Adolfa Dygasińskiego...
Genealogiczne pokrewieństwo dziewiętnastowiecznego dandyzmu i współczesnego kampu stanowi jedną z ni...
Abstract-Dandyism is a very important and significant social phenomenon in 19th century Europe. This...
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na život a díla Oscara Wildea a na kontroverze, které budil ve společno...
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na kritiku viktoriánské společnosti v komediích Ideální manžel a J...
This bachelor thesis aims at the depiction of the countryside and nature in the works of Oscar Wilde...
In this paper, I will discuss the figuration of the dandy character in the field of literary product...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je rozebrat román Oscara Wilda Obraz Doriana Graye s důrazem na použití ...
Tato práce se věnuje reflexi viktoriánského období v dílech Charlese Dickense a Oscara Wilda. Konkré...
In my thesis for a bachelor degree I introduce the evolution of dandyism and I try to describe how t...
Šis darbs iepazīstina ar estētiskajām vērtībām O.Vailda darbos. Pētījumā aplūkota estētisma attīstīb...
This paper focuses on the The Importance of Being Earnest and Lady Windermere's Fan, works by Oscar ...
Theses focuses on dandyism as a lifestyle. It presents the theoretical definition of dandyism as wel...
This dissertation, whose title is The features of dandyism in work of Jiří Karásek, focuses on the c...
Russian artists of the early twentieth century focused not merely on the production of their own art...
Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest analiza porównawcza bajek Oscara Wilde’a oraz Adolfa Dygasińskiego...
Genealogiczne pokrewieństwo dziewiętnastowiecznego dandyzmu i współczesnego kampu stanowi jedną z ni...
Abstract-Dandyism is a very important and significant social phenomenon in 19th century Europe. This...
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na život a díla Oscara Wildea a na kontroverze, které budil ve společno...
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na kritiku viktoriánské společnosti v komediích Ideální manžel a J...
This bachelor thesis aims at the depiction of the countryside and nature in the works of Oscar Wilde...
In this paper, I will discuss the figuration of the dandy character in the field of literary product...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je rozebrat román Oscara Wilda Obraz Doriana Graye s důrazem na použití ...
Tato práce se věnuje reflexi viktoriánského období v dílech Charlese Dickense a Oscara Wilda. Konkré...
In my thesis for a bachelor degree I introduce the evolution of dandyism and I try to describe how t...
Šis darbs iepazīstina ar estētiskajām vērtībām O.Vailda darbos. Pētījumā aplūkota estētisma attīstīb...
This paper focuses on the The Importance of Being Earnest and Lady Windermere's Fan, works by Oscar ...
Theses focuses on dandyism as a lifestyle. It presents the theoretical definition of dandyism as wel...
This dissertation, whose title is The features of dandyism in work of Jiří Karásek, focuses on the c...
Russian artists of the early twentieth century focused not merely on the production of their own art...
Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest analiza porównawcza bajek Oscara Wilde’a oraz Adolfa Dygasińskiego...