ABSTRACT Nuriana Khoiriyah. C1012034. 2016. Concepts Islamic Calipathe of the Movement Moslem Brotherhood According to the Thought of Hasan Al-Banna (1906-1949 M). Thesis of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The issues that are examined: 1. How is the biography of Hassan al-Banna’s life. 2. How is the concept of Islamic Caliphate according to the thinking of Hassan al-Banna who has been championed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This research is using qualitative descriptive method. The purposes of this study are: 1. Describing the biography of Hasan al-Bannas life from 1906 M to 1949 M. 2. Describing Hassan al-Banna’s thought of Islamic Caliphate which has been championed in the Musli...