The Bornholm Basin, southern Scandinavia: a complex history from Late Cretaceous structural developments to recent sedimentation

  • Jensen, JB
  • Moros, M
  • Endler, R
  • Johnson, SC
Publication date
January 2017
Taylor & Francis As


The Bornholm Basin has experienced a complex history linked closely to the structural development of the Tornquist Zone strike-slip fault system. The latest major tectonic development was late Cretaceous and early Tertiary Rønne Graben inversion caused by dextral transpressional strike-slip movements focused around rigid blocks such as Bornholm. By applying the strike-slip concept, it is possible to show that the Rønne Graben inversion push-up structure was created by restraining left step-over. The fault system continues northwest and north of Bornholm where the strike-slip movement resulted in right step-over and the formation of a pull-apart basin: the northern part of the Bornholm Basin. Detailed seismo-acoustic and sediment core studie...

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