The essay defines the essence of the National Statistical Information System and principal directions reforming the informational statistics system and it harmonization on the European standards. The author presents the functional scheme of the statistical information system and formulated the principal moments of reforming this system. There is compiled and presented the structural scheme of the statistical indicators of the Republic of Moldova
Şcoala de Management în Sănătate Publică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Population health is a basic elem...
Centrul naţional de management în sănătate, Şcoala de Management în Sănătate PublicăThe requirement ...
Romania are placed on the last place in the Top of Europe in terms of government efficiency. This po...
Republic of Moldova has clearly established the strategic direction of development - the European in...
An increasing informational pressure is being registered in the research domain as well, focusing, i...
The human resource development policy is a key tool to ensure a good performance of the health syste...
Catedra Economie, management si psihopedagogie în medicinaThe general mortality level is the main cr...
În majoritatea statelor lumii, elaborarea și implementarea mecanismelor de modernizare a managementu...
The article analyzed the evolution of perceptions and attitudes of the population about European int...
Conform Programului Strategic de modernizare tehnologică a guvernării (e-transformare), până în anul...
The article refl ects some moments of the history of statistics, the role of statistical sciences in...
By signing and ratifying the Association Agreement, Republic of Moldova reconfirmed its willingness ...
Integration process of Romania in the European Union after January 1, 2007, assumes new connotations...
Studiul elucidează prognozele numărului de persoane vârstnice şi direcţiile strategice de consolidar...
Based on a broad historiographic and statistical basis, this study contains a thorough analysis of b...
Şcoala de Management în Sănătate Publică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Population health is a basic elem...
Centrul naţional de management în sănătate, Şcoala de Management în Sănătate PublicăThe requirement ...
Romania are placed on the last place in the Top of Europe in terms of government efficiency. This po...
Republic of Moldova has clearly established the strategic direction of development - the European in...
An increasing informational pressure is being registered in the research domain as well, focusing, i...
The human resource development policy is a key tool to ensure a good performance of the health syste...
Catedra Economie, management si psihopedagogie în medicinaThe general mortality level is the main cr...
În majoritatea statelor lumii, elaborarea și implementarea mecanismelor de modernizare a managementu...
The article analyzed the evolution of perceptions and attitudes of the population about European int...
Conform Programului Strategic de modernizare tehnologică a guvernării (e-transformare), până în anul...
The article refl ects some moments of the history of statistics, the role of statistical sciences in...
By signing and ratifying the Association Agreement, Republic of Moldova reconfirmed its willingness ...
Integration process of Romania in the European Union after January 1, 2007, assumes new connotations...
Studiul elucidează prognozele numărului de persoane vârstnice şi direcţiile strategice de consolidar...
Based on a broad historiographic and statistical basis, this study contains a thorough analysis of b...
Şcoala de Management în Sănătate Publică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Population health is a basic elem...
Centrul naţional de management în sănătate, Şcoala de Management în Sănătate PublicăThe requirement ...
Romania are placed on the last place in the Top of Europe in terms of government efficiency. This po...