The aim of the paper is to estimate the influence of different structural elements of investment on the process of economic growth in Latvia. Author presents the brief review of the main development trends of the modern economic growth theory. The dynamics and structure of the nonfinancial investment of the Latvian enterprises is analyzed. The results of econometric analysis of the investment structure model presented in this paper show that intangible investment, investment in nonresidential buildings and machinery investment are the most significant factors influencing the level of labor force productivity in Latvia
The construction industry is an integral part of the economy, and there will be always demand for co...
In the world, during the past 10 years, when evaluating development of a particular area, there has ...
The paper discusses the influence of the global economic crisis on the Latvian economy. Using the sy...
The aim of the paper is to estimate the influence of different structural elements of investment on ...
In are paper analyzed the necessary innovation development financing springs and kinds, innovations ...
Development of an economic situation last 20 years has passed in Latvia through various stages. Incl...
The insolvency of enterprises is an integral element of free market. Since Latvia regained its indep...
One of the most pressing problems in the Latvian economy is related to the energy sector. The most c...
The aim of the article is to present some main financial causes and effects of „bubble economy”, cri...
In the market of economic and management trades amount of young specialists are increased, the compe...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAnotācija Promocijas darba mērķis ir analizēt nekustamā īpašu...
In work development of the construction branch in Latvia is forecasted. The forecast is developed us...
The paper deals with foreign direct investment in Latvia. The investigated problem is investments ma...
In the paper the author represents the system dynamic model of taxes income and it action results. T...
For Latvia with incoming into the European Union big opportunities in the international markets have...
The construction industry is an integral part of the economy, and there will be always demand for co...
In the world, during the past 10 years, when evaluating development of a particular area, there has ...
The paper discusses the influence of the global economic crisis on the Latvian economy. Using the sy...
The aim of the paper is to estimate the influence of different structural elements of investment on ...
In are paper analyzed the necessary innovation development financing springs and kinds, innovations ...
Development of an economic situation last 20 years has passed in Latvia through various stages. Incl...
The insolvency of enterprises is an integral element of free market. Since Latvia regained its indep...
One of the most pressing problems in the Latvian economy is related to the energy sector. The most c...
The aim of the article is to present some main financial causes and effects of „bubble economy”, cri...
In the market of economic and management trades amount of young specialists are increased, the compe...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAnotācija Promocijas darba mērķis ir analizēt nekustamā īpašu...
In work development of the construction branch in Latvia is forecasted. The forecast is developed us...
The paper deals with foreign direct investment in Latvia. The investigated problem is investments ma...
In the paper the author represents the system dynamic model of taxes income and it action results. T...
For Latvia with incoming into the European Union big opportunities in the international markets have...
The construction industry is an integral part of the economy, and there will be always demand for co...
In the world, during the past 10 years, when evaluating development of a particular area, there has ...
The paper discusses the influence of the global economic crisis on the Latvian economy. Using the sy...