Recent advances in analog integrated circuit and signal processing have shown that the current-mode approach is superior to the voltage-mode in terms of its wide bandwidth, high speed, low voltage and power. As a wide range of voltage-mode analogue circuits already exist, a straightforward method of converting these voltage-mode circuits to current-mode circuits would be very useful. The network transposition, introduced by Bhattacharyya and Swamy as early as in 1971, provides a perfect solution to this question of conversion from voltage-mode to current-mode circuits. A vast body of literature already exists concerning voltage-mode OTA-C filter structures. At the same time, many current-mode OTA-C filter structures are being reported in t...
This paper discusses the circuit realization, analysisand design of OTA based current-mode quadratur...
As the transistors are continuously scaling down, it becomes necessary to reduce voltage supply and ...
Basic properties of the Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) are discussed. Applications of ...
Current-mode circuits have become very important in the design of high-speed analog integrated circu...
Despite the wealth of literature on OTA-C filters, the synthesis of high-order filter characteristic...
A novel current-mode biquad circuit is presented. The circuit uses two single-output-, one multiple-...
A new current mode filter structure based on the dual output OTA is described. By appropriate choice...
A novel mixed-mode biquad circuit is presented. The circuit uses six single-output- and one dual-out...
Abstract- In this article, a new topology which can function both as quadrature oscillator and unive...
This paper deals with RC active biquad working in the so-called current mode (CM). The design approa...
A general procedure for generating filter structures based on dual output OTAs is presented. A struc...
The defnitive article can be found at: Copyright Wiley. [Full te...
A novel current-mode biquad circuit is presented. The circuit uses two single-output-, one multiple-...
Abstract A Study of Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode Filters Using Modified Current Feedback Operati...
Three new current-mode filter topologies are proposed. The presented topologies use single operation...
This paper discusses the circuit realization, analysisand design of OTA based current-mode quadratur...
As the transistors are continuously scaling down, it becomes necessary to reduce voltage supply and ...
Basic properties of the Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) are discussed. Applications of ...
Current-mode circuits have become very important in the design of high-speed analog integrated circu...
Despite the wealth of literature on OTA-C filters, the synthesis of high-order filter characteristic...
A novel current-mode biquad circuit is presented. The circuit uses two single-output-, one multiple-...
A new current mode filter structure based on the dual output OTA is described. By appropriate choice...
A novel mixed-mode biquad circuit is presented. The circuit uses six single-output- and one dual-out...
Abstract- In this article, a new topology which can function both as quadrature oscillator and unive...
This paper deals with RC active biquad working in the so-called current mode (CM). The design approa...
A general procedure for generating filter structures based on dual output OTAs is presented. A struc...
The defnitive article can be found at: Copyright Wiley. [Full te...
A novel current-mode biquad circuit is presented. The circuit uses two single-output-, one multiple-...
Abstract A Study of Voltage-Mode and Current-Mode Filters Using Modified Current Feedback Operati...
Three new current-mode filter topologies are proposed. The presented topologies use single operation...
This paper discusses the circuit realization, analysisand design of OTA based current-mode quadratur...
As the transistors are continuously scaling down, it becomes necessary to reduce voltage supply and ...
Basic properties of the Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) are discussed. Applications of ...