Ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση ημι–εμπειρικού θερμοδυναμικού πολυζωνικού μοντέλου για την εκτίμηση των εκπομπών οξειδίου του αζώτου και του ιστορικού του σχηματισμού τους σε κινητήρες ντίζελ από το μετρημένο διάγραμμα πίεσης του θαλάμου καύσης

  • Savva, Nikolaos
  • Σάββα, Νικόλαος
Publication date
January 2015
National Documentation Centre (EKT)


The objective of the present dissertation, is the development and evaluation of a simplified, semi–empirical, multi–zone, thermodynamic model for the prediction of tail–pipe NOx emissions and history inside the combustion chamber, during the closed cycle of DI Diesel engines. The model is implementable on different engine configurations by using the measured cylinder pressure trace.The motivation for this work, emerges from the requirement of the internal combustion engines industry to control pollutant emissions. This requirement is attributed to the strict legislation limits that the governments worldwide have adopted. One of the most affected engine type from this legislation is the DI Diesel engine because it is widely used in the trans...

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