Bioconsolidation of porous stone substrates of historical monuments via biomineralization of calcium carbonate

  • Daskalakis, Markos
  • Δασκαλάκης, Μάρκος
Publication date
January 2016
National Documentation Centre (EKT)


This PhD Thesis presents the development of a bio-consolidation methodology for stone monument protection. Research in the field of monument protection has been intensified the last two decades due to the demand of more environmental and substrate friendly restoration procedures, the need of resolving the effects of the microbiological factor in stone decay and its potential for bio-restoration due to its proved ability to promote calcium carbonate precipitation. The basic prerequisites of such methodologies are that it should not pose a negative effect upon the stone, should be easily implemented, fiscally viable and detectable after application.The microorganisms presented were isolated from the ancient marble quarries of Pentelic marble ...

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