Ένα μοντέλο - νευρωνικό δίκτυο του άνω διδυμίου μιας διεύθυνσης και μιας διάστασης

  • Bozis, Adonis
  • Μπόζης, Αντώνιος
Publication date
January 2002
National Documentation Centre (EKT)


Our goal was to construct a biologically motivated neural network model of the primate superior colliculus (SC). SC is a brainstem nucleus involved in the programming and execution of fast eye movements called saccades. Assumptions. Our model is based on the following assumptions: 1) It is a neural network model, consisting of units (or elements) that represent groups of neurons, and their activation represent the firing rate of the groups of neurons. 2) It contains among its simulated collicular neurons the layers of motor (TLLBs), visual (Vs), quasivisual (QVs) and predictive visual (PVs) units. 3) It uses the “MSH” model of the brainstem oculomotor nuclei. This does not mean that it is not compatible with other models of the same structu...

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