Tablets are the latest craze in the consumer electronics (CE) world. New models are hitting the shelves every few months, many featuring new screen and speaker technologies and the latest in low-power, high-performance mobile CPU with the latest models beginning to feature GPU and specialized multimedia IP cores.peer-reviewe
Best Student Paper Award, a la SC13: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networ...
In the late 1990s, powerful economic forces led to the adop-tion of commodity desktop processors in ...
Over-the-air software upgrades are a recent trend in the automotive industry to distribute firmware ...
The mobile IT market is seeing a significant growth in the tablet PC shipments. The high sales numbe...
Tablet computers (or slates) are a tremendously growing market and are increasingly encroaching on t...
BSC prides itself as a leader for academic-based information technology (IT) innovation. We require ...
Journal article (editorial)Following our award-winning article last January [1], I thought it might ...
With over 6 billion smartphones in use worldwide, high emissions and a considerable amount of e-wast...
There is a new trend in the personal computer industry towards portable touch screen personal comput...
The tablet PC market is dominated by two platforms: iOS and Android. In this paper, we combine table...
International audiencePredicting tablet defects, such as capping, that might occur during manufactur...
Apple iOS is a closed platform; Google Android is open. In this paper, we combine tablet-level data ...
Innovative Consumer Electronics (CE) products, such as LCD televisions, are becoming increasingly c...
This article proposes a cross-situational specialization framework for what, at its introduction, wa...
Today’s consumers are exposed to a wide range of electronic gadgets, mainly laptops and tablets, eac...
Best Student Paper Award, a la SC13: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networ...
In the late 1990s, powerful economic forces led to the adop-tion of commodity desktop processors in ...
Over-the-air software upgrades are a recent trend in the automotive industry to distribute firmware ...
The mobile IT market is seeing a significant growth in the tablet PC shipments. The high sales numbe...
Tablet computers (or slates) are a tremendously growing market and are increasingly encroaching on t...
BSC prides itself as a leader for academic-based information technology (IT) innovation. We require ...
Journal article (editorial)Following our award-winning article last January [1], I thought it might ...
With over 6 billion smartphones in use worldwide, high emissions and a considerable amount of e-wast...
There is a new trend in the personal computer industry towards portable touch screen personal comput...
The tablet PC market is dominated by two platforms: iOS and Android. In this paper, we combine table...
International audiencePredicting tablet defects, such as capping, that might occur during manufactur...
Apple iOS is a closed platform; Google Android is open. In this paper, we combine tablet-level data ...
Innovative Consumer Electronics (CE) products, such as LCD televisions, are becoming increasingly c...
This article proposes a cross-situational specialization framework for what, at its introduction, wa...
Today’s consumers are exposed to a wide range of electronic gadgets, mainly laptops and tablets, eac...
Best Student Paper Award, a la SC13: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networ...
In the late 1990s, powerful economic forces led to the adop-tion of commodity desktop processors in ...
Over-the-air software upgrades are a recent trend in the automotive industry to distribute firmware ...