Before I became a writing center director, I remember in my own work as a tutor feeling frustrated when students brought in research papers. Most of the students’ questions had to do with formatting the bibliographic entries or parenthetical notes, but I would often notice that the sources used to support thesis statements were seemingly arbitrarily chosen (perhaps an encyclopedia entry, two news stories from questionable news outlets, and a couple of other random web sources, such as a blog entry and an organization’s website) and often not used effectively to support points. For example, it was not unusual to see very lengthy blocked quotations and quotations dropped into paragraphs with no signal phrases and no interpretation or analysis...
Our four-librarian research team embarked on a multi-pronged assessment project to study the behavio...
Researchers have called for the development of new pedagogical strategies to help students learn how...
This chapter describes a pilot study of student research-based writing in a technical and profession...
Before I became a writing center director, I remember in my own work as a tutor feeling frustrated w...
Although much of the research into source use by international students has tended to focus on issue...
At the University of Rhode Island (URI), we believe that assessment of writing center interactions c...
In face-to-face writing center tutorials, tutor praise is an action that builds rapport and motivate...
Writing centers exist in a variety of institutional contexts, being housed in high schools, communi...
This meta-analysis of writing center scholarship surveys the last twenty years of empirical work fro...
Source-based writing is replete with decisions about what to include from others’ work and how to in...
We discuss the results of a Lesson Study examining source integration in student writing in Freshman...
Fulltext in theme: Enhancing Learning Exp...
Citation practices are often taught as a list of rules, rather than a rhetorical practice necessary ...
This research examines the use of writing resources in tutoring sessions, which is considered one of...
For over fifty years, US writing centers have been helping students, with writing centers found in a...
Our four-librarian research team embarked on a multi-pronged assessment project to study the behavio...
Researchers have called for the development of new pedagogical strategies to help students learn how...
This chapter describes a pilot study of student research-based writing in a technical and profession...
Before I became a writing center director, I remember in my own work as a tutor feeling frustrated w...
Although much of the research into source use by international students has tended to focus on issue...
At the University of Rhode Island (URI), we believe that assessment of writing center interactions c...
In face-to-face writing center tutorials, tutor praise is an action that builds rapport and motivate...
Writing centers exist in a variety of institutional contexts, being housed in high schools, communi...
This meta-analysis of writing center scholarship surveys the last twenty years of empirical work fro...
Source-based writing is replete with decisions about what to include from others’ work and how to in...
We discuss the results of a Lesson Study examining source integration in student writing in Freshman...
Fulltext in theme: Enhancing Learning Exp...
Citation practices are often taught as a list of rules, rather than a rhetorical practice necessary ...
This research examines the use of writing resources in tutoring sessions, which is considered one of...
For over fifty years, US writing centers have been helping students, with writing centers found in a...
Our four-librarian research team embarked on a multi-pronged assessment project to study the behavio...
Researchers have called for the development of new pedagogical strategies to help students learn how...
This chapter describes a pilot study of student research-based writing in a technical and profession...