Basalt, eclogite, and harzburgite, differentiation products of the Earth, appear to be trapped in the upper mantle above the 670 km seismic discontinuity. It is proposed that the upper mantle transition region, 220 to 670 km, is composed of eclogite, or olivine eclogite, which has been derived from primitive mantle by about 20% partial melting and that this is the source and sink of oceanic lithosphere. The remainder of the upper mantle is garnet peridotite, or pyrolite, the source of continental basalts and hotspot magmas. This region is enriched in incompatible elements by partial melts or hydrous and CO_2 rich metasomatic fluids which have depleted the underlying layers in the L.I.L. elements and L.R.E.E. The eclogite layer is internally...