A Geospatial View of Farmland for the Karner Blue

  • Kleintjes Neff, Paula K.
  • Sutton, Mark
  • Stoffel, Chase
Publication date
May 2018


Color poster with text, images, photographs and graphs.In 2017, we conducted our project on farmlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) program for the Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis). In Eau Claire County, SAFE sites were developed to provide favorable habitat for the federally endangered butterfly. The sites were planted in 2009-2015 with a native seed mix (3.78 lbs./acre) of grasses and pollinator nectar plants, including wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) (3.0 oz./acre). Larvae of the Karner are dependent on wild lupine, and sites with the densest and most abundant patches of the flowering plant are most likely to attract, host and maintain Karner populations.University of Wisconsin--Ea...

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