In this exploratory study, we investigated whether and to what extent individual differences in cognitive and personality variables are associated with spoken idiom comprehension in context. Language unimpaired participants were enrolled in a cross-modal lexical decision study in which semantically ambiguous Italian idioms (i.e., strings with both a literal and an idiomatic interpretation as, for instance, break the ice), predictable or unpredictable before the string offset, were embedded in idiom-biasing contexts. To explore the contributions of different cognitive and personality components, participants also completed a series of tests respectively assessing general speed, inhibitory control, short-term and working memory, cognitive fle...
We report two experiments which investigated the timecourse of spoken idiom comprehension. We also a...
Idioms can have both a literal interpretation and a figurative interpretation (e.g., to "kick the bu...
Prediction is pervasive in human cognition and plays a central role in language comprehension. At an...
In this exploratory study, we investigated whether and to what extent individual differences in cogn...
In this exploratory study, we investigated whether and to what extent individual differences in cogn...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
The present study examines how working memory affects how participants process idiomatic expressions...
Despite their prevalence in the English language, idiomatic expressions (e.g. kick the bucket, tip o...
In two crossmodal lexical decision experiments we investigated the time course of idiomatic meaning ...
International audienceThis study investigates whether figurative comprehension in schizophrenia is i...
Idioms are strings of words whose figurative meaning does not necessarily derive from that of the co...
The semantic structure of many idioms is constituted by concrete (literal) actions that convey abstr...
Summary : The comprehension ofidioms. This review outlines the evolution of psycholinguistic researc...
We report two experiments which investigated the timecourse of spoken idiom comprehension. We also a...
Idioms can have both a literal interpretation and a figurative interpretation (e.g., to "kick the bu...
Prediction is pervasive in human cognition and plays a central role in language comprehension. At an...
In this exploratory study, we investigated whether and to what extent individual differences in cogn...
In this exploratory study, we investigated whether and to what extent individual differences in cogn...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
Written language comprehension requires readers to integrate incoming information with stored mental...
The present study examines how working memory affects how participants process idiomatic expressions...
Despite their prevalence in the English language, idiomatic expressions (e.g. kick the bucket, tip o...
In two crossmodal lexical decision experiments we investigated the time course of idiomatic meaning ...
International audienceThis study investigates whether figurative comprehension in schizophrenia is i...
Idioms are strings of words whose figurative meaning does not necessarily derive from that of the co...
The semantic structure of many idioms is constituted by concrete (literal) actions that convey abstr...
Summary : The comprehension ofidioms. This review outlines the evolution of psycholinguistic researc...
We report two experiments which investigated the timecourse of spoken idiom comprehension. We also a...
Idioms can have both a literal interpretation and a figurative interpretation (e.g., to "kick the bu...
Prediction is pervasive in human cognition and plays a central role in language comprehension. At an...