In sentence processing, it is still unclear how the neural language network successfully establishes argument–verb dependencies in its spatiotemporal neuronal dynamics. Previous work has suggested that the establishment of subject–verb and object–verb dependencies requires argument retrieval from working memory, and that dependency establishment in object-first sentences additionally necessitates argument reordering. We examine the spatiotemporal neuronal dynamics of the brain regions that subserve these sub-processes by crossing an argument reordering factor (i.e., subject-first versus object-first sentences) with an argument retrieval factor (i.e., short versus long argument–verb dependencies) in German. Using functional magnetic resonanc...
& Neuroimaging and lesion studies suggest that processing of word classes, such as verbs and nou...
Although it is widely accepted that nouns and verbs are functionally independent linguistic entities...
Linguistic theory suggests non-canonical sentences subvert the dominant agent-verb-theme order in En...
In sentence processing, it is still unclear how the neural language network successfully establishes...
In sentence processing, storage and ordering of the verb and its arguments (subject and object) are ...
INTRODUCTION Storage and reordering of words are two core processes required for successful sentence...
Storage and reordering of incoming information are two core processes required for successful senten...
Storage and reordering of incoming information are two core processes required for successful senten...
This fMRI study examined the neural correlates of verbs controlled for argument structure complexity...
The effect of word association on sentence processing is still a matter of debate. Some studies obse...
Sentence comprehension requires the retrieval of single word information from long-term memory, and ...
Successful working-memory retrieval requires that items be retained as distinct units. At the neural...
Sentence comprehension requires the retrieval of single word information from long-term memory, and ...
Introduction: Words are not processed in isolation but in rich contexts that are used to modulate an...
An event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm was used to specify those bra...
& Neuroimaging and lesion studies suggest that processing of word classes, such as verbs and nou...
Although it is widely accepted that nouns and verbs are functionally independent linguistic entities...
Linguistic theory suggests non-canonical sentences subvert the dominant agent-verb-theme order in En...
In sentence processing, it is still unclear how the neural language network successfully establishes...
In sentence processing, storage and ordering of the verb and its arguments (subject and object) are ...
INTRODUCTION Storage and reordering of words are two core processes required for successful sentence...
Storage and reordering of incoming information are two core processes required for successful senten...
Storage and reordering of incoming information are two core processes required for successful senten...
This fMRI study examined the neural correlates of verbs controlled for argument structure complexity...
The effect of word association on sentence processing is still a matter of debate. Some studies obse...
Sentence comprehension requires the retrieval of single word information from long-term memory, and ...
Successful working-memory retrieval requires that items be retained as distinct units. At the neural...
Sentence comprehension requires the retrieval of single word information from long-term memory, and ...
Introduction: Words are not processed in isolation but in rich contexts that are used to modulate an...
An event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm was used to specify those bra...
& Neuroimaging and lesion studies suggest that processing of word classes, such as verbs and nou...
Although it is widely accepted that nouns and verbs are functionally independent linguistic entities...
Linguistic theory suggests non-canonical sentences subvert the dominant agent-verb-theme order in En...