Bonobos (Pan paniscus; n = 4), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes; n = 12), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla; n = 8), and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus; n = 6) were presented with 2 cups (1 baited) and given visual or auditory information about their contents. Visual information consisted of letting subjects look inside the cups. Auditory information consisted of shaking the cup so that the baited cup produced a rattling sound. Subjects correctly selected the baited cup both when they saw or heard the food. Nine individuals were above chance in both visual and auditory conditions. More important, subjects as a group selected the baited cup when only the empty cup was either shown or shaken, which means that subjects chose correctly without having seen or h...
Humans use tools with specific functions to solve tasks more efficiently. However, functional specia...
International audienceMany animal species use a variety of cognitivestrategies to locate food resour...
Many animal species use a variety of cognitive strategies to locate food resources. One strategy is ...
In the two-cup one-item task, subjects are shown a food item, which is then hidden inside one of two...
In the two-cup one-item task, subjects are shown a food item, which is then hidden inside one of two...
Whether nonhuman primates understand causal relations beyond mere associations is still a matter of ...
International audienceThe ability of black and brown lemurs (Eulemur macaco and Eulemur fulvus) to m...
The visual perspective-taking ability of 4 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) was investigated. The subje...
We investigated whether chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans encoded the location of a reward hidden...
We conducted three studies to examine whether the four great ape species (chimpanzees, bonobos, gori...
Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and great apes from the genus Pan were tested on a series of object...
SummaryThe extent to which animals in general, and non-human primates in particular, understand phys...
Chimpanzees follow conspecific and human gaze direction reliably in some situations, but very few ch...
Inductive learning from limited observations is a cognitive capacity of fundamental importance. In h...
Abstract This study investigated the ability of chim-panzees, gorillas, orangutans, and bonobos to m...
Humans use tools with specific functions to solve tasks more efficiently. However, functional specia...
International audienceMany animal species use a variety of cognitivestrategies to locate food resour...
Many animal species use a variety of cognitive strategies to locate food resources. One strategy is ...
In the two-cup one-item task, subjects are shown a food item, which is then hidden inside one of two...
In the two-cup one-item task, subjects are shown a food item, which is then hidden inside one of two...
Whether nonhuman primates understand causal relations beyond mere associations is still a matter of ...
International audienceThe ability of black and brown lemurs (Eulemur macaco and Eulemur fulvus) to m...
The visual perspective-taking ability of 4 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) was investigated. The subje...
We investigated whether chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans encoded the location of a reward hidden...
We conducted three studies to examine whether the four great ape species (chimpanzees, bonobos, gori...
Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and great apes from the genus Pan were tested on a series of object...
SummaryThe extent to which animals in general, and non-human primates in particular, understand phys...
Chimpanzees follow conspecific and human gaze direction reliably in some situations, but very few ch...
Inductive learning from limited observations is a cognitive capacity of fundamental importance. In h...
Abstract This study investigated the ability of chim-panzees, gorillas, orangutans, and bonobos to m...
Humans use tools with specific functions to solve tasks more efficiently. However, functional specia...
International audienceMany animal species use a variety of cognitivestrategies to locate food resour...
Many animal species use a variety of cognitive strategies to locate food resources. One strategy is ...