The Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response to aversive stimuli is correlated with short-latency escapes [1-3]. M-cells have been proposed as evolutionary ancestors of startle response neurons of the mammalian reticular formation [4], and studies of this circuit have uncovered important principles in neurobiology that generalize to more complex vertebrate models [3]. The main excitatory input was thought to originate from multisensory afferents synapsing directly onto the M-cell dendrites [3]. Here, we describe an additional, convergent pathway that is essential for the M-cell-mediated startle behavior in larval zebrafish. It is composed of excitatory interneurons called spiral fiber neurons,...
SummarySomatosensory neurons in teleosts and amphibians are sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or noc...
Many species execute ballistic escape reactions to avoid imminent danger. Despite fast reaction time...
Somatosensory neurons in teleosts and amphibians are sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or nociceptiv...
The Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response to aver...
The Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response to aver...
SummaryThe Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response ...
Scientists have long been fascinated by how anatomical structures in the brain can generate the dive...
The ability to evade a predator is crucial to the survival of an animal. Throughout the history of e...
The Mauthner-cell (M-cell) system of teleost fish has a long history as an experimental model for ad...
AbstractAlthough vertebrate hindbrains are segmented structures, the functional significance of the ...
AbstractSegmentation of the vertebrate brain is most obvious in the hindbrain, where successive segm...
Many species execute ballistic escape reactions to avoid imminent danger. Despite fast reaction time...
When a zebrafish makes a fast escape response, Mauthner cells directly activate contralateral spinal...
SummaryWhen a zebrafish makes a fast escape response, Mauthner cells directly activate contralateral...
One of the most important decisions an organism can make is how it will respond to a potential preda...
SummarySomatosensory neurons in teleosts and amphibians are sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or noc...
Many species execute ballistic escape reactions to avoid imminent danger. Despite fast reaction time...
Somatosensory neurons in teleosts and amphibians are sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or nociceptiv...
The Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response to aver...
The Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response to aver...
SummaryThe Mauthner cell (M-cell) is a command-like neuron in teleost fish whose firing in response ...
Scientists have long been fascinated by how anatomical structures in the brain can generate the dive...
The ability to evade a predator is crucial to the survival of an animal. Throughout the history of e...
The Mauthner-cell (M-cell) system of teleost fish has a long history as an experimental model for ad...
AbstractAlthough vertebrate hindbrains are segmented structures, the functional significance of the ...
AbstractSegmentation of the vertebrate brain is most obvious in the hindbrain, where successive segm...
Many species execute ballistic escape reactions to avoid imminent danger. Despite fast reaction time...
When a zebrafish makes a fast escape response, Mauthner cells directly activate contralateral spinal...
SummaryWhen a zebrafish makes a fast escape response, Mauthner cells directly activate contralateral...
One of the most important decisions an organism can make is how it will respond to a potential preda...
SummarySomatosensory neurons in teleosts and amphibians are sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or noc...
Many species execute ballistic escape reactions to avoid imminent danger. Despite fast reaction time...
Somatosensory neurons in teleosts and amphibians are sensitive to thermal, mechanical, or nociceptiv...