Dharmakīrti (ca. 600–660 CE) states at the beginning of the Nyāyabindu (NB) that the accomplishment of all the objects of human pursuit is preceded by right knowledge and therefore he lets his students comprehend this knowledge (NB 1.1: samyagjñānapūrvikā sarvapuruṣārthasiddhir iti tad vyutpādyate // ). The Nyāyabinduṭīkā by Dharmottara (ca. 750–810 CE) and the Nyāyabinduṭīıkā by Vinītadeva (ca. 700 CE), commentaries on the Nyāyabindu, develop long arguments concerning its first sentence mentioned above. Their discussion involve various issues, such as: the meaning of the word sarva, the difference between the words pūrva and kāraṇa, the reason why the word pūrva is to be stated, the aim of the treatise, and how to comprehend right knowledg...
Starting from the shortest and probably earliest version of the story as told in the Harivaṃśa (HV 2...
Rāmacandrācārya’s Prakriyākaumudī and Jīva Gosvāmin’s Harināmāmṛtavyākaraṇa (15th-16th centuries) ar...
A Review Article of "Vyaṅgyavyākhyā: The Aesthetics of Dhvani in Theatre". Edited by K.G. Paulose, N...
The ""Bāhiranidāna,"" representing the opening section of the Samantapāsādikā attributed to Buddhagh...
The Nyāyasūtravivaraṇa, written in the first centuries of the 2nd millennium CE, provides the most a...
As the fourth of the Nyāya’s twelvefold prameya (the objects to be rightly known for the attainment ...
This thesis is concerned with one chapter of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinayavastu namely Poṣadhasthāpana...
A great number of classical Sanskrit texts, most of them philosophical, refer to the Cārvākas or Lok...
The Interpretation of the Paţiccasamuppādangas in the Mahāvihāra Theravāda tradition changed in the ...
In the second chapter of the Aşţasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitāsūtra (AsP), we come across a passage which ...
The combination of the stems yoga-and khema-/kṣema-occurs in phrases or compounds in both ancient an...
The word lokāyata both in Pali and Buddhist Sanskrit is generally used as substantive to mean disput...
Theistic Vedānta originated with Rāmānuja (1077-1157), who was one of the foremost theologians of Vi...
The principal philosophical systems of India are divided into two branches: āstika and nāstika. This...
The Kriyāsamgraha (KS), a collection of the Buddhist Tantric rituals of Kuladatta, has a chapter cal...
Starting from the shortest and probably earliest version of the story as told in the Harivaṃśa (HV 2...
Rāmacandrācārya’s Prakriyākaumudī and Jīva Gosvāmin’s Harināmāmṛtavyākaraṇa (15th-16th centuries) ar...
A Review Article of "Vyaṅgyavyākhyā: The Aesthetics of Dhvani in Theatre". Edited by K.G. Paulose, N...
The ""Bāhiranidāna,"" representing the opening section of the Samantapāsādikā attributed to Buddhagh...
The Nyāyasūtravivaraṇa, written in the first centuries of the 2nd millennium CE, provides the most a...
As the fourth of the Nyāya’s twelvefold prameya (the objects to be rightly known for the attainment ...
This thesis is concerned with one chapter of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinayavastu namely Poṣadhasthāpana...
A great number of classical Sanskrit texts, most of them philosophical, refer to the Cārvākas or Lok...
The Interpretation of the Paţiccasamuppādangas in the Mahāvihāra Theravāda tradition changed in the ...
In the second chapter of the Aşţasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitāsūtra (AsP), we come across a passage which ...
The combination of the stems yoga-and khema-/kṣema-occurs in phrases or compounds in both ancient an...
The word lokāyata both in Pali and Buddhist Sanskrit is generally used as substantive to mean disput...
Theistic Vedānta originated with Rāmānuja (1077-1157), who was one of the foremost theologians of Vi...
The principal philosophical systems of India are divided into two branches: āstika and nāstika. This...
The Kriyāsamgraha (KS), a collection of the Buddhist Tantric rituals of Kuladatta, has a chapter cal...
Starting from the shortest and probably earliest version of the story as told in the Harivaṃśa (HV 2...
Rāmacandrācārya’s Prakriyākaumudī and Jīva Gosvāmin’s Harināmāmṛtavyākaraṇa (15th-16th centuries) ar...
A Review Article of "Vyaṅgyavyākhyā: The Aesthetics of Dhvani in Theatre". Edited by K.G. Paulose, N...