Plot size can influence yield benefits from fungicides on corn

  • Tedford, Eric C.
  • Kriss, Alissa B.
  • Geater, Chad
  • Saini, Monika
  • Battles, Bruce
  • Smelser, Richard B.
  • Fithian, Wayne A.
Publication date
January 2017
The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.


AbstractUse of foliar fungicides on corn has increased over the last decade. Part of the reason for this increase is due to physiological benefits on plants from QoI (strobilurin) containing fungicides. However, there remains controversy over how significant yield and economic benefits are from strobilurin fungicides. A potential source of this controversy might be explained by experimental plot size. To better understand grower-relevant yield benefits from fungicides, three hundred and fourteen commercial-strip trials (8.1 ha fungicide treated and 8.1 ha untreated) were conducted on growers' farms across four years, and twenty-five small plot (37.2 m2 or less) trials were conducted across the corn belt in 2010. Yield benefits from fungicid...

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