AbstractWe prove that each (rational) polyhedron of full dimension is determined by a unique minimal total dual integral system of linear inequalities, with integral left hand sides (thus extending a result of Giles and Pulleyblank), and we give a characterization of total dual integrality
peer reviewedA polyhedron is box-integer if its intersection with any integer box {ℓ≤x≤u} is integer...
Given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k >= 1, the graph H = (V, F), where F is a family of elem...
19 pages, 1 figure. A restricted draft concerning an earlier stage of this research has been reporte...
AbstractWe prove that each (rational) polyhedron of full dimension is determined by a unique minimal...
AbstractA linear system Ax ⩽ b (A, b rational) is said to be totally dual integral (TDI) if for any ...
AbstractA short proof of Edmonds' matching polyhedron theorem and the total dual integrality of the ...
Let a finite semiorder, or unit interval order, be given. When suitably defined, its numerical repre...
In this paper we study systems of the form $b\leq Mx\leq d$, $l\leq x\leq u$, where $M$ is obtained ...
Let G = (V,E) be a graph. The matching polytope of G, denoted by P(G), is the convex hull of the inc...
AbstractWe consider a system of linear inequalities with {0,±1} coefficients and a right-hand side g...
In this thesis we study integer total dual integral (TDI) systems and box-totally dualintegral (box-...
Abstract. Let a finite semiorder, or unit interval order, be given. All its numerical representa-tio...
Let A be a 0 - 1 matrix with precisely two 1\u27s in each column and let 1 be the all-one vector. We...
A vector is dyadic if each of its entries is a dyadic rational number, i.e. of the form a2k for some...
Edmonds and Giles introduced the class of box totally dual integral polyhedra as a generalization of...
peer reviewedA polyhedron is box-integer if its intersection with any integer box {ℓ≤x≤u} is integer...
Given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k >= 1, the graph H = (V, F), where F is a family of elem...
19 pages, 1 figure. A restricted draft concerning an earlier stage of this research has been reporte...
AbstractWe prove that each (rational) polyhedron of full dimension is determined by a unique minimal...
AbstractA linear system Ax ⩽ b (A, b rational) is said to be totally dual integral (TDI) if for any ...
AbstractA short proof of Edmonds' matching polyhedron theorem and the total dual integrality of the ...
Let a finite semiorder, or unit interval order, be given. When suitably defined, its numerical repre...
In this paper we study systems of the form $b\leq Mx\leq d$, $l\leq x\leq u$, where $M$ is obtained ...
Let G = (V,E) be a graph. The matching polytope of G, denoted by P(G), is the convex hull of the inc...
AbstractWe consider a system of linear inequalities with {0,±1} coefficients and a right-hand side g...
In this thesis we study integer total dual integral (TDI) systems and box-totally dualintegral (box-...
Abstract. Let a finite semiorder, or unit interval order, be given. All its numerical representa-tio...
Let A be a 0 - 1 matrix with precisely two 1\u27s in each column and let 1 be the all-one vector. We...
A vector is dyadic if each of its entries is a dyadic rational number, i.e. of the form a2k for some...
Edmonds and Giles introduced the class of box totally dual integral polyhedra as a generalization of...
peer reviewedA polyhedron is box-integer if its intersection with any integer box {ℓ≤x≤u} is integer...
Given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k >= 1, the graph H = (V, F), where F is a family of elem...
19 pages, 1 figure. A restricted draft concerning an earlier stage of this research has been reporte...