Vulnerable or high-risk atherosclerotic plaques often exhibit large lipid cores and thin fibrous caps that can lead to deadly vascular events via their rupture. In this study, PEGmicelles that incorporate a Gd-DTPA amphiphile were used as an MR contrast agent. In an approach inspired by lipoproteins, the micelles were functionalized with tyrosine residues, an aromatic, lipophilic amino acid, to target the lipid rich areas of atherosclerotic plaque in a highly efficient manner.These micelles were applied to apolipoprotein E -/- mice as a model of atherosclerosis. The abdominal aortas of the animals were imaged using T1-weighted highresolution MRI at 9.4 T before and up to 48hours after the administration of the micelles.PEG-micelles modified...