AbstractSome problems concerning the satisfiability of first-order predicate calculus formulae in Schonfinkel-Bernays form provide a natural hierarchy of complete problems for various complexity classes. Also, problems concerning the existence of resolution proofs from sets of clauses not necessarily in Schonfinkel-Bernays form provide another such hierarchy. In this way we obtain problems complete for P, NP, PSPACE, deterministic and nondeterministic exponential, deterministic and nondeterministic double exponential time, and exponential space. The results concerning resolution proofs may have practical implications for the design of resolution theorem proving programs. Also, these results enable us to make precise statements about the rel...
AbstractWe introduce a new way to measure the space needed in resolution refutations of CNF formulas...
We present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of the first half of Bachmair and Ganzinger’s chapter on re...
A new syntactic characterization of problems complete via Turing re-ductions is presented. General c...
AbstractSome problems concerning the satisfiability of first-order predicate calculus formulae in Sc...
A comparative study on the complexity of various procedures for proving that a set of clauses is co...
We review the fundamental resolution-based methods for first-order theorem proving and present them ...
We review the fundamental resolution-based methods for first-order theorem proving and present them ...
AbstractIn this paper we investigate automated theorem proving systems represented as finite classes...
We study several procedures for theorem proving based on the resolution principle. We consider (1) D...
this paper, we investigate lengths of proofs of propositional calculi, resolution and Gentzen type s...
International audienceWe devise a resolution calculus that tests the satisfiability of infinite fami...
We define order locality to be a property of clauses relative to a term ordering. This property is a...
AbstractCompletion theorem proving, as proposed by J. Hsiang (1982), is based on the observation tha...
Proving formulas in propositional logic can be done in different ways. Some of these are based on of...
The superposition calculus, which underlies first-order theorem provers such as E, SPASS, and Vampir...
AbstractWe introduce a new way to measure the space needed in resolution refutations of CNF formulas...
We present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of the first half of Bachmair and Ganzinger’s chapter on re...
A new syntactic characterization of problems complete via Turing re-ductions is presented. General c...
AbstractSome problems concerning the satisfiability of first-order predicate calculus formulae in Sc...
A comparative study on the complexity of various procedures for proving that a set of clauses is co...
We review the fundamental resolution-based methods for first-order theorem proving and present them ...
We review the fundamental resolution-based methods for first-order theorem proving and present them ...
AbstractIn this paper we investigate automated theorem proving systems represented as finite classes...
We study several procedures for theorem proving based on the resolution principle. We consider (1) D...
this paper, we investigate lengths of proofs of propositional calculi, resolution and Gentzen type s...
International audienceWe devise a resolution calculus that tests the satisfiability of infinite fami...
We define order locality to be a property of clauses relative to a term ordering. This property is a...
AbstractCompletion theorem proving, as proposed by J. Hsiang (1982), is based on the observation tha...
Proving formulas in propositional logic can be done in different ways. Some of these are based on of...
The superposition calculus, which underlies first-order theorem provers such as E, SPASS, and Vampir...
AbstractWe introduce a new way to measure the space needed in resolution refutations of CNF formulas...
We present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of the first half of Bachmair and Ganzinger’s chapter on re...
A new syntactic characterization of problems complete via Turing re-ductions is presented. General c...