I denna rapport undersöks möjligheten att använda talmaskering till att förbättra talintegritet och akustisk arbetsmiljö i öppna kontorslandskap. En av de vanligaste orsakerna till störningar i ett öppet kontorslandskap är ovidkommande tal. Ett talmaskerande system maskerar vissa frekvenser i talet, vilket leder till att störningen från ovidkommande tal minskar. Forskning från Nordamerika har resulterat i ett frekvensspektrum med en optimal och maximal ljudnivå för det maskerande ljudet. För detta arbete valdes ett försökskontor som utvärderades med avseende på rumsakustik. Kontoret uppfyllde krav enligt Svensk Standard SS25268. Arbetsplatsernas utformning var något bristfällig och uppfyllde inte rekommenderad akustisk design. Utgångspunkte...
Background Noise in open plan offices should not exceed acceptable levels for the hearing protection...
In open-plan offices speech is often the most distracting cause of noise even though a main aim of o...
Det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar arbetsmiljö och en viktig aspekt är ljudmiljön. För att ...
This thesis contains a study of how sound masking systems can be implemented in existing open-plan o...
Personalized and conventional systems can increase the cognitive performance: Sound masking, which d...
Many open-plan offices adopt an electronic sound masking system in order to reduce distraction from ...
Speech privacy is one of the most crucial, yet least satisfying aspects of the indoor environmental ...
Sound masking is a well-known measure to reduce the detrimental impact of irrelevant background spee...
The reverberation time and the background noise level are often used as the most important design pa...
Open-plan offices are a popular office layout, due to the efficient use of floor space. However, to ...
In this Thesis a study on the subject on how to improve the overall sound quality within a room usin...
This paper uses a previously developed model of sound propagation in conventional open plan offices ...
WstępW celu uzyskania odpowiednich akustycznych warunków środowiska pracy w wielkoprzestrzennych pom...
Background speech is the most serious noise problem In sharedroom and open-plan offices. While some ...
Although open offices with conventional cubicle workstations are very common, it is still difficult ...
Background Noise in open plan offices should not exceed acceptable levels for the hearing protection...
In open-plan offices speech is often the most distracting cause of noise even though a main aim of o...
Det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar arbetsmiljö och en viktig aspekt är ljudmiljön. För att ...
This thesis contains a study of how sound masking systems can be implemented in existing open-plan o...
Personalized and conventional systems can increase the cognitive performance: Sound masking, which d...
Many open-plan offices adopt an electronic sound masking system in order to reduce distraction from ...
Speech privacy is one of the most crucial, yet least satisfying aspects of the indoor environmental ...
Sound masking is a well-known measure to reduce the detrimental impact of irrelevant background spee...
The reverberation time and the background noise level are often used as the most important design pa...
Open-plan offices are a popular office layout, due to the efficient use of floor space. However, to ...
In this Thesis a study on the subject on how to improve the overall sound quality within a room usin...
This paper uses a previously developed model of sound propagation in conventional open plan offices ...
WstępW celu uzyskania odpowiednich akustycznych warunków środowiska pracy w wielkoprzestrzennych pom...
Background speech is the most serious noise problem In sharedroom and open-plan offices. While some ...
Although open offices with conventional cubicle workstations are very common, it is still difficult ...
Background Noise in open plan offices should not exceed acceptable levels for the hearing protection...
In open-plan offices speech is often the most distracting cause of noise even though a main aim of o...
Det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar arbetsmiljö och en viktig aspekt är ljudmiljön. För att ...