To investigate (1) the degree of digital technology adoption among general dental practitioners, and to assess (2) which personal and practice factors are associated with technology use.A questionnaire was distributed among a stratified sample of 1000 general dental practitioners in the Netherlands, to measure the use of fifteen administrative, communicative, clinical and diagnostic technologies, as well as personal factors and dental practice characteristics.The response rate was 31.3%; 65.1% replied to the questionnaire on paper and 34.9% online. Each specific digital technology was used by between 93.2% and 6.8% of the dentists. Administrative technologies were generally used by more dentists than clinical technologies. Dentists had adop...
Abstract Background The era of digitalization has arrived in the field of dentistry. Teledentistry (...
Orthodontics is evolving due to advances in 3D imaging, printing, digital scanning and treatment pla...
The aim of this cross-sectional survey was to identify the extent of digital technology infiltrating...
Objectives To investigate (1) the degree of digital technology adoption among general dental practit...
To investigate (1) the degree of digital technology adoption among general dental practitioners, and...
Objectives: To investigate which opinions among dentists are associated with level of technology use...
Background Digital technologies are proliferating into dental practices. While their technical attri...
The factors affecting information systems and technology have become a growing topic in many discipl...
Introduction: In recent decades, digital technologies have become increasingly essential in dentistr...
OBJECTIVE: Measure the adoption and utilization of, opinions about, and attitudes toward clinical co...
Objective: Measure the adoption and utilization of, opinions about, and attitudes toward clinical co...
Background and Aim : Advances in medical sciences have increased the volume of medical records and d...
Background and Overview. Computers are becoming an integral part of the practice of dentistry. Small...
BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Computers are becoming an integral part of the practice of dentistry. Small...
Background and Aim: Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have had a great impa...
Abstract Background The era of digitalization has arrived in the field of dentistry. Teledentistry (...
Orthodontics is evolving due to advances in 3D imaging, printing, digital scanning and treatment pla...
The aim of this cross-sectional survey was to identify the extent of digital technology infiltrating...
Objectives To investigate (1) the degree of digital technology adoption among general dental practit...
To investigate (1) the degree of digital technology adoption among general dental practitioners, and...
Objectives: To investigate which opinions among dentists are associated with level of technology use...
Background Digital technologies are proliferating into dental practices. While their technical attri...
The factors affecting information systems and technology have become a growing topic in many discipl...
Introduction: In recent decades, digital technologies have become increasingly essential in dentistr...
OBJECTIVE: Measure the adoption and utilization of, opinions about, and attitudes toward clinical co...
Objective: Measure the adoption and utilization of, opinions about, and attitudes toward clinical co...
Background and Aim : Advances in medical sciences have increased the volume of medical records and d...
Background and Overview. Computers are becoming an integral part of the practice of dentistry. Small...
BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Computers are becoming an integral part of the practice of dentistry. Small...
Background and Aim: Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have had a great impa...
Abstract Background The era of digitalization has arrived in the field of dentistry. Teledentistry (...
Orthodontics is evolving due to advances in 3D imaging, printing, digital scanning and treatment pla...
The aim of this cross-sectional survey was to identify the extent of digital technology infiltrating...