AbstractThis work is devoted to results on the G-spaces of Busemann found after the appearance of his book "The Geometry of Geodesics" (Academic Press, New York, 1955); and denoted here as G. The axioms for G-spaces are found on p. 37 of G. They include all complete Riemann spaces and many others which the letter G denotes as Finsler spaces, which is a gross misnomer. Finsler was the first who investigated non-Riemannian spaces (under strong differentiability hypotheses) guided by Carathéodory, whose methods in the calculus of variations form the basis of Finsler′s thesis, which has no relation to our G-spaces (but is still an active field of research). The misnomer was caused by the fact that Finsler′s thesis (1918) was inaccessible until ...