AbstractFor a graded naturally labelled poset P, it is shown that the P-Eulerian polynomialW(P,t):=∑w∈L(P)tdes(w)counting linear extensions of P by their number of descents has symmetric and unimodal coefficient sequence, verifying the motivating consequence of the Neggers–Stanley conjecture on real zeroes for W(P,t) in these cases. The result is deduced from McMullen's g-Theorem, by exhibiting a simplicial polytopal sphere whose h-polynomial is W(P,t).Whenever this simplicial sphere turns out to be flag, that is, its minimal non-faces all have cardinality two, it is shown that the Neggers–Stanley Conjecture would imply the Charney–Davis Conjecture for this sphere. In particular, it is shown that the sphere is flag whenever the poset P has ...