AbstractMinimizing the number of precedence constrained, unit-time tardy jobs is strongly NP-hard on a single machine. We study a special case of the problem where a job is tardy if it is finished more than a fixed K time units after its earliest possible completion time under the precedence constraints. We prove that the problem remains strongly NP-hard even with these special due dates. We also present polynomial time solutions for the weighted version of the problem if the precedence constraints are out-forests or interval orders. In the process, we also present a polynomial time solution for a special case of the minimum weight hitting set problem
AbstractWe consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on...
We study a single-machine scheduling problem that is a generalization of a number of problems for wh...
The scheduling problem of minimizing total tardiness on a single machine is known to be NP-hard in t...
AbstractMinimizing the number of precedence constrained, unit-time tardy jobs is strongly NP-hard on...
In this paper we study the problems of scheduling jobs with agreeable processing times and due dates...
AbstractA set P of n jobs has to be processed without preemption, one job at a time, on a single mac...
AbstractIn this paper we study the problems of scheduling jobs with agreeable processing times and d...
This is a special issue for the papers presented in the Eighth International Workshop on Project Man...
We consider the problem of scheduling n preemptive jobs on a single machine to minimize total tardin...
Abstract. We have studied problems of scheduling n unit-time jobs on m identical parallel processors...
We consider the problem of scheduling unit-length jobs on identical machines subject to precedence c...
We consider the single machine multi-operation jobs scheduling problem to minimize the number of tar...
The problem of non-preemptive (NP) scheduling of number of jobs on a single machine to minimize weig...
We consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on a singl...
International audienceIn this paper, we provide three notes on scheduling unit-length jobs with prec...
AbstractWe consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on...
We study a single-machine scheduling problem that is a generalization of a number of problems for wh...
The scheduling problem of minimizing total tardiness on a single machine is known to be NP-hard in t...
AbstractMinimizing the number of precedence constrained, unit-time tardy jobs is strongly NP-hard on...
In this paper we study the problems of scheduling jobs with agreeable processing times and due dates...
AbstractA set P of n jobs has to be processed without preemption, one job at a time, on a single mac...
AbstractIn this paper we study the problems of scheduling jobs with agreeable processing times and d...
This is a special issue for the papers presented in the Eighth International Workshop on Project Man...
We consider the problem of scheduling n preemptive jobs on a single machine to minimize total tardin...
Abstract. We have studied problems of scheduling n unit-time jobs on m identical parallel processors...
We consider the problem of scheduling unit-length jobs on identical machines subject to precedence c...
We consider the single machine multi-operation jobs scheduling problem to minimize the number of tar...
The problem of non-preemptive (NP) scheduling of number of jobs on a single machine to minimize weig...
We consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on a singl...
International audienceIn this paper, we provide three notes on scheduling unit-length jobs with prec...
AbstractWe consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on...
We study a single-machine scheduling problem that is a generalization of a number of problems for wh...
The scheduling problem of minimizing total tardiness on a single machine is known to be NP-hard in t...