AbstractWiegand, R. and S. Wiegand, Bounds for one-dimensional rings of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 93 (1994) 311-342.Let R be an integral domain finitely generated as an algebra over a field of characteristic not equal to 2 (or the localization of such a ring at some multiplicatively closed set); and assume that, for each maximal ideal , there is a bound on the ranks of the indecomposable finitely generated torsion-free R-modules. We show that the only possible ranks for such indecomposable modules over R are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 12. An example having indecomposables of each of these ranks is constructed over the field of rational numbers. Furthermore, over a broader class of reduced one-dimensiona...