Sotos syndrome with developmental co-ordination disorder; report of a case

  • Gajre, Mona P.
  • Mhatre, Priti
  • Vijaykumar, Ramaa
Publication date
June 2015
The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.


AbstractSotos syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism) a rare genetic disorder is usually characterized by macrocephaly and typical facial gestalt. There is a spectrum of behavioral and cognitive problems associated with it. We present a case of 11-year-old boy who presented with co-ordination issues, academic difficulties along with host of behavioral problems. On examination he was tall and had macrocephaly with typical facial gestalt. His educational assessment revealed the presence of developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) which was confirmed by Bruininks Otseretsky Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) and developmental co-ordination disorder questionnaire (DCD – 2007). On further assessment he also had an element of attention deficit hyperactivity disor...

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